Example sentences of "lot of time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A that time David was going through a period when he would n't fly , which was a pretty smart ploy because it gained you a lot of time between gigs , as you have to travel by some sort of surface transportation .
2 Team member Jack Tinsdale said : ‘ John was Bill 's right-hand man and has put a lot of time into the team .
3 And we had our hiccups and we had all sorts of you know difficult moments for all of us where we all had to face ourselves and You know I remember my little boy said , Oh Mum y what about my Christmas you know I was putting a lot of time into the the striker 's Christmas and he said how do you become a striker 's child ?
4 The humour is clever — daft but not really slap-stick — and the writers obviously put a lot of time into making sure it works .
5 This was emphasised by those heads of department who had taken a lot of time over their self-appraisal and who claimed that as a consequence other things had had to suffer .
6 Television stardom ( Man About The House is soon to be released on video ) ; holidays in America ( her husband is American and they spend a lot of time over there ) ; work in Los Angeles ( last year she appeared in Alan Aykbourn 's Henceforward .
7 mind , she took a lot of time over it
8 Campaigning is a demanding business and it swallows up a lot of time without guaranteeing success , said group secretary George Knowles .
9 Something you used to spend a lot of time at but have n't done for some time .
10 Those in the know — the core group of researchers in any field who spend a lot of time at conferences and seminars chatting about the state of the art — will simply disregard the anomalous result , or they will have gossiped it away in the bar after the meeting .
11 Carolyn gathered that she spent a lot of time at the Refuge .
12 She spends a lot of time at Jack 's now — most weekends .
13 Elliott spends a lot of time at home working on his designs .
14 Do you spend a lot of time at Alison 's ?
15 Unless you have a fair experience of building handicrafts and a lot of time on your hands , you will probably need to hire a builder , and you should take as much care over this as possible since the quality of building work varies very substantially indeed , and two different firms of builders , next to each other in the ‘ Yellow Pages ’ may reflect totally different standards and attitudes .
16 ‘ He spends a lot of time on his own , ’ Emily said in a brisk tone .
17 For a start , I spent a lot of time on my own , or with London friends .
18 They did n't have a lot of time on it and it was effectively an engineer/producer , rather than a producer .
19 That 's a lot of time on the flat stages , not so much on the fierce and extended mountain climbs that are to come .
20 Uncle Joe used to advise local farmers on sheep-breeding and had spent a lot of time on Tina 's family farm .
21 I 've spent a lot of time on this . ’
22 This makes the statement easier for your customer to understand and reconcile and will help you be paid faster , as well as saving a lot of time on queries .
23 He has a lot of time on his hands .
24 I spend a lot of time on the bathroom scales — too much time — I really should throw them away !
25 Although they feel ‘ cut off ’ from the mainstream of the knitting world , the knitters are very imaginative and prepared to spend a lot of time on one garment — and it shows !
26 She spent a lot of time on the beach before she became ill .
27 It 's quite possible for the adventurers to waste a lot of time on trivia before — and maybe even instead of — finding the object of their quest .
28 Cos we 've spent an awful lot of time on it .
29 And you could waste an awful lot of time on it .
30 As a result , they had a lot of time on their hands .
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