Example sentences of "making it [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 On 12 August 1746 the Disarming Act became law , making it illegal for anyone in the Highlands to own or carry specified types of weapon , including broadswords , or to wear Highland costume .
2 Microsoft is now trying to market Windows as a stepping stone to OS/2 , by making it easy for users of Windows and writers of programs for Windows to migrate to OS/2 eventually .
3 With close colleagues there is more chance of explaining the best way of ‘ making it easy for them ’ , of getting them on your side as allies .
4 I understand that the electronic intarsia carriage selects the needles for only one colour at a time to the intarsia position , making it easy for you to lay in the appropriate colour .
5 Inexperienced fighters are apt to stay in the centre all the time , making it easy for an opponent to strike , as it is nearly akin to hitting a statue .
6 And then the minute he wants something — which is only ever one thing — you 're all over him , making it easy for him and when he 's got what he want he says ‘ Thank you very much .
7 ClubCall are making it easy for People readers to vote by telephone if they choose not to use the voting form on Page 41 .
8 Isabel found her eyes clinging to him , his height making it easy for her to watch his approach .
9 She was n't making it easy for him to rescue her .
10 ‘ I 'll tell you what , ’ he suggested softly , as if he might be making it easy for her , although she could n't imagine why he should .
11 Pegasus were first to create any chances in front of goal but they overplayed the ball at the vital moment , making it easy for Portadown to clear .
12 Latest word from the grapevine is that IBM Corp 's 3390-9 disk drive may be put back to June 1 or June 8 ( CI No 2,165 ) , and there is a certain lack of confidence that the thing will be an easy sell given that it is significantly slower than the lower capacity drives , making it unsuitable for most leading edge mainframe applications ( CI No 2,165 ) : the conspiracy theorists conjecture that it is not a product that the sales force and the market actually want , one that could have been developed simply to respond to something a competitor was planning but in the end never launched , but that it has cost sufficient to develop that to write off the effort now would leave a nasty hole in AdStar Inc 's balance sheet — much better to put the thing out in the confidence that some users will bite , and write the work off over perhaps a five-year product life .
13 The sides are made of contrastingly coloured elasticated nylon with no foam fitted , the lack of kidney protection making it unsuitable for use in canoe polo .
14 Thus could the very first and important step in the rise of god-worship have been initiated , by making it unnecessary for there to be an actual physical connection between the objects of faith and the believer .
15 This handmade rattan furniture has been lacquered , making it suitable for indoors and out .
16 The probe does not need to be kept moist making it suitable for all types of field work and the fact that there is no glass present makes it ideal for the food and drink pharmaceutical industries .
17 Also out to do a bit of Pentium party-pooping were NEC Corp and MIPS Technologies Inc , with launch of the low-power 64-bit VR4200 RISC , which dissipates less than 1.5W , making it suitable for battery-powered portables capable of running Windows NT .
18 Out to do a bit of Pentium party-pooping last week were NEC Corp and MIPS Technologies Inc , with launch of the low-power 64-bit VR4200 RISC , which dissipates less than 1.5W , making it suitable for battery-powered portables capable of running Windows NT .
19 I understand also that Scorton Tennis Club will be contacting you direct concerning financial aid towards tarmacing the present grass court and thus making it suitable for all weather use both by members of the club , visitors to the village and pupils of the village school .
20 Sir , — There is a small but growing voice to be heard expressing the desire for the introduction of the Australian system of making it compulsory for people to vote in political elections .
21 The extension of the YTS into a two year scheme and making it compulsory for those not in education through removing entitlements to other benefits , means that in future there may be no such thing as a ‘ young worker ’ or a ‘ young unemployed ’ under the age of eighteen .
22 France : Since a law making it compulsory for employers to offer hepatitis B vaccination to healthcare employees was passed in January 1991 , usage of vaccine has risen nearly four-fold .
23 The German government recently drafted regulations making it compulsory for car makers to take back their old cars when they are due to be scrapped .
24 In Compressor/Expander mode , compression on the neck pickup swells out the tone to a given ceiling and sustains it , making it good for McCartney-esque melodic lines , but also for slapping , as the limiter-like properties of the compressor prevent massive explosions of sound .
25 To sum up , the Peugeot is a lightweight , 1.9kg , line trimmer , that will but swathes of around 250mm diameter , making it good for average garden use .
26 Within a short time , his former employers ordered 100 tons of the new material , thus making it worthwhile for ICI to build a production plant .
27 The most important factor in ‘ free stretching ’ is that you know when it hurts and how far you can go , making it possible for you to immediately release the stretch should you need to .
28 In retrospect the most important event of 1986 may have been the conception of the new Networker train , filling a vital gap price and quality wise , at long last making it possible for NSE to plan systematic replacement of old EMUs .
29 Without Mr Gorbachev as party boss , a rapid realignment of forces would take place , making it possible for a coalition-for-democracy to line up against the coalition-for-clampdown .
30 By a process of ‘ abstraction ’ , moreover , it was possible for these general notions to be ‘ impressed ’ on our minds or intellects , thus making it possible for us to think in terms of them .
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