Example sentences of "policy [verb] [been] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The whole tenor of planning policy has been to restrict the presence of industry in the countryside and to preserve it as a largely pastoral backwater .
2 The traditional Keynesian view of the conduct of monetary policy has been to assign to it the role of interest rate and/or exchange rate stabilization .
3 Thus for much of the period government policy has been to consent to , or actively encourage , mergers .
4 Government policy has been to close large mental hospitals and wherever possible to move to care in the community , with a resulting decrease in the number of psychiatric hospital beds .
5 Throughout the post-war period , the policy has been to allow the exchange rate to adjust to costs rather than the other way round .
6 Europe , of course , is something of a captive market ; not only is ESA funded by 13 European member-states but ESA 's procurement policy has been to award contracts in proportion to a country 's given contribution to its budget .
7 Even Labour Party policy has been to permit sales , provided they do not disadvantage the community or impair housing authorities ' abilities to meet their obligations , which can be difficult to prove in practice .
8 Edgar 's policy has been to keep as many of the traditional country-house features as possible , so that the public rooms have retained an ‘ Edwardian ’ character , with many of the original prints and photographs and a number of big game trophies giving a ‘ Raj ’ flavour .
9 The RSPCA 's policy has been to recommend changes in many fishing practices in order to reduce the possibility of pain .
10 An important aspect of recent legislation and policy has been to tighten up on ‘ information agreements ’ , which could form the basis of secret collusion .
11 Though the policy has been to raise the price of long-distance season tickets well above the average , for thousands there is still standing room only on the high-speed commute .
12 This is probably more than just coincidence : it suggests that the Hall 's financial policy has been to cover the direct costs and subsidize the overheads .
13 Acorn 's policy has been to buy up sound but somewhat shabby family-owned hotels as and when opportunity offers , and to renovate them to an extent consistent with the company 's ‘ image ’ of old-fashioned comfort .
14 Our policy has been to try to build up a great team and not to weaken our playing strength , and it was for this reason that we accepted the offer made .
15 This is because a major aim of public sector housing policy has been to provide a good standard of accommodation usually for the less well-to-do who can not or do not wish to buy their own homes .
16 Since the play is by Shakespeare , the critical policy has been to assume the tragedy must be of the first stature and , therefore , the play would be written to support this revelation of interiority .
17 The company policy had been to speed up the line and the rate of production .
18 The treaty defining relations between West and East Germany ( 1972 ) represented a rejection of Adenauer on two key issues : first , it accepted the legitimacy and moral equivalence of East Germany , and secondly it saw accommodation with East Germany as the key to peace in Europe , whereas Adenauer 's policy had been to turn his back on East Germany in the name of freedom and democracy .
19 Previously the policy had been to raid during the moonless period of each month , transported by the LRDG and returning to base in between to reorganize .
20 For at least twenty-five years , Western policy had been to help the Shah destroy all alternatives to his own rule .
21 If the objective of his policy had been to maintain a balance of power by opposing the strongest nation in Europe , he was no doubt picking the wrong enemy ; France was the rising power , and later in the century English policy was devoted to holding her in check .
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