Example sentences of "had [det] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 However , it has surely been to the mutual advantage of the people of Scotland and England that we have had that union for the past two and a half centuries .
2 But despite the fact we 've had that law for so long you 'll find that not many people know about it .
3 So we 've had that law for a long time .
4 In 1938 Sartre , who by his own admission was still mystified to the core by bourgeois idealist presuppositions , would have had little sympathy for theories linking the technical structure of the novel to the historical reality of contemporary French society .
5 Gywnoro Jones claims the Conservatives have had little concern for these people .
6 ‘ Your brother seems to have had little use for credit cards . ’
7 For the last year , I have had little time for writing , though I get something down on paper when I can .
8 She had always suspected that he 'd had little time for any brain power that she might possess — just as she had always known that her chief value for him had been the almost instantaneous sexual desire they had felt for each other .
9 My diesel shortly is a terrible smoker , I have only had this vehicle for three months ( 1985 vintage ) but have covered about 3000 miles and tried all of the adjustments to reduce its habit , The clock reads 30,000 miles and the distributor pump is adjusted to its maximum in an attempt to reduce the smoke , but I can not stop it .
10 ‘ I have had this dress for ten years , ’ remarked Lili .
11 I 've had this shrub for a few years now but it has been a bit reluctant to bloom .
12 Captain Biggins had had this crew for fourteen missions now , few things had gone seriously wrong , and his skill and judgement were fully trusted .
13 I like the way I dress , though , I 've always had this thing for a sports look , that 's what I 'm aiming for .
14 Although the statistical theory of Gibbs and de Marzio has had some success for polystyrene in predicting the variation of T2 with molecular weight , the variation of specific heat with temperature , it has met with criticism .
15 The human suffering which results from an accident can be severe and can result in some form of life-long disablement or disfigurement for the victim , not forgetting the stress and guilt which is borne by the person who may have had some responsibility for the accident occurring .
16 Richard III would have had some sympathy for the frustrations of the Afghan guerrillas in their fight for Jalalabad .
17 She said : ‘ But he must have had some reason for wanting to talk to you . ’
18 Even though Gundovald can never have said some of the things which Gregory attributes to him , the bishop of Tours must have had some reason for putting the words into his mouth .
19 ‘ You must have had some feeling for him , ’ he said a little crossly .
20 Now and you 've just had another prescription for that have n't you ?
21 ‘ Then you 'd have had another reason for me not to stay on board . ’
22 They had n't had such fun for years . ’
23 The reason why linguistics has had such importance for literary theory , however , is not just that a change of direction has taken place in the development of the discipline .
24 The movement made her feel a little light-headed , and she remembered too late that she had n't had much appetite for those hearty , delicious salads that Mrs Porter had made earlier .
25 I have never had much stomach for fighting and I certainly did not relish the prospect of having my head knocked off for a few cigarettes !
26 Scotland has never had much time for earthquakes : the national football team already has a monopoly on disasters .
27 You have n't had much time for domestic life of late , have you ?
28 I have never had much time for the more esoteric confections you find all over the place .
29 What with one thing and another she had n't had much time for sleep last night .
30 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
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