Example sentences of "had a great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But we 've had a great laugh , in fact it 's like a holiday in the north .
2 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
3 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
4 One woman , who took up a new career in midlife , described how her mother , who had always had a great appetite for life , now seemed.to live through her .
5 So , though I had a bad time , well I had a , I 've had a great life since !
6 Lucy , resisting the temptation to blow at her fringe , said , ‘ You sound like you 've had a great life . ’
7 You 've had a great experience , right ?
8 If he approaches the fun level achieved by Gary , they he will have had a great year .
9 Medical Services are steaming ahead having had a great year .
10 This was Tom Chalmers , who had already had a great influence on the development of broadcasting in Nigeria and was later also to have a major impact on the development of radio in Malawi , Zambia , Botswana , Lesotho and Swaziland .
11 Such work is starting to have an effect in feminist psychology , but it has already had a great influence on feminism .
12 This is likely to have had a great influence on the goals and , in particular , the mission statement of the organisation which were discussed in Section 2.2 .
13 Having just lost out to Alan Alda in 1966 for the forthcoming Broadway comedy The Apple Tree , directed by Mike Nichols , but nonetheless now confirmed as a top off-Broadway character actor , Dustin landed the lead in Livings ' Eh ? , which had had a great success at the Aldwych Theatre , London , in Peter Hall 's Royal Shakespeare Company production exactly two years previously .
14 JC : Eric Crozier had had a great success producing The Bartered Bride .
15 AN APPEAL for homes for six unwanted puppies has had a great response .
16 HE HAS had a great run .
17 The bishop 's hobbies include reading and walking and since his student days he has had a great interest in church and choral music .
18 An occasional past thought recurred : New Zealand have never had a great combination of fast bowlers to rank near the likes of Lindwall and Miller , Hall and Griffith , Larwood and Voce .
19 Kylie told the magazine reporter : ‘ I 've had a great family life and have n't had the sort of problems she encountered .
20 ‘ We 've had a great evening .
21 Gordon , who runs the American Heartbeat clothes shop , Whessoe Road , said : ‘ We have had a great turn-out and are still collecting lots of cans .
22 Since the Root Thesaurus did not emerge until 1981 , it has not had a great impact on existing thesauri to date , but it could well be important in the future .
23 Remember , you 've still had a great season . ’
24 Titford have undoubtedly had a great season but I wonder if you have stopped to consider which club has really been the more successful ?
25 Firstly , I 've had a great season with all my favourite teams ( Manchester United , Rangers and Linfield ) , winning their respective league titles .
26 John , who has had a great season including previous wins against national champions John Leeman ( Stanley ) and international Terry Scott ( Gateshead ) , now has to take on Archie McLean who beat the experienced Hughie Whitehead in the other semi .
27 ‘ He has had a great season .
28 Ok , so you 've had a great Christmas , but if your New Year 's resolution is to get back into shape then you 'd better check out Kathy Smith 's new Workout videos .
29 ‘ He has had a great number of stitches inserted in the eyelid and underneath the eye in an effort to keep it closed and avoid further damage .
30 ‘ We have had a great reaction especially in the last four weeks .
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