Example sentences of "say it [be] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 When Jason gives some of the money back , which he should n't have , you say it is n't enough .
2 No , no , thank you very much , it 's all right , he is n't badly hurt , a sprained ankle , and they say it is n't serious , but it does mean he ca n't come north yet … ’
3 Say it is n't so ! ’
4 Say it is n't true !
5 And Ballymoney college chiefs say it is n't a case of horses for courses .
6 Now from what you say it is n't as simple as that at all .
7 Erm I think we 're er er we 're quite clear at the moment that the correct erm interpretation of it from our point of view is as a fixed asset investment and unless something changes in the er constitution of the company , erm although it may be erm the guiding thing become profitable I think one 's got to play by the rules and the rules at the moment say it is n't one .
8 The meaning is not in the words it 's in the way you say it is n't it ?
9 But you will no doubt also understand what I mean when I say it is not at all easy to define just what this quality is .
10 Economists say it is not terribly relevant because the financial flows are 20 to 50 times as great .
11 Now in your paragraph six point three you say It is not one of the functions of the York greenbelt to protect Skelton .
12 ‘ You say it is not my child .
13 The organisers say it is not just a reaction to the recent carnage in Warrington .
14 I understand the C E C asked us to withdraw this motion because they say it is not necessary .
15 Some of the wise men say it is not painting , some of them say it is .
16 You say it 's not OK just to take , darling , angel , siren , demon , goddess , fucking you fucking canonises me .
17 A lot of people today say it 's not necessary .
18 The ‘ Old Guard ’ , no longer playing a role at Central Office , has muttered darkly about the inexperience of the ‘ Brat Pack ’ : the Young Guns say it 's not their fault , that they have been forced into the background by more experienced campaigners .
19 David Beaton , as you love God , say it 's not true !
20 But they say it 's not very difficult if you know how , as it 's only a fun do , not affiliated or something , when you 'd get struck off or something terrible . ’
21 MIKE LESTER : Well , you know that scene better than anyone , so if you say it 's not on we 'll have to accept it .
22 Some people say it 's not very good for women to play football
23 We say it 's not our policy .
24 the important thing in the last two years , everything has to be in , as I say it 's not true to say everything but quite a lot of things have been in , so both those are , are the .
25 Now this is where I think the Japanese score dramatically , they spend many many hours defining things which we say it 's not worth the effort to define .
26 I understand again the C E C is asking you to oppose it because they say it 's not necessary .
27 They say it 's not development led but if I can actually quote from all of these documents very very quickly .
28 Would anyone like to argue with her and say it 's not that much you know an important character .
29 If Leeds say it 's not something we can deal with here , this is the number you ring and they 've been told the wrong number that is a very bad impression and all the airports get calls constantly , as you know from B A days , so no matter what it 's about people will ring a local number , no matter whether it 's in two foot high capitals saying for enquiries ring this number
30 So they came running back , saying this thing you sold me is a load of rubbish , Wool Woolwich say it 's not good enough , you know , what 's it all about .
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