Example sentences of "think he [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't think he 's on this wavelength , ’ she said , ‘ I had thought of having a holiday in one of the Martello towers if I do n't see him soon . ’
2 ‘ I do n't think he 's on our wavelength , ’ his mother said to him in a choking voice .
3 By that I do n't mean he could n't have been responsible for their deaths , I just mean that I do n't think he 's on speaking terms with his conscience .
4 It was just I thought what they hell do you think he 's on here ?
5 They 've taken a print of Hugo 's Amex , but I do n't somehow think he 's on good personal terms with them , and you know how tight everyone is on expenses , these days . ’
6 I have a cup of tea do think he 's on holiday .
7 He 's not , he 's I ca n't , he 's , I do n't think he 's like me .
8 ‘ I do n't think he 's in yet . ’
9 A chap may think he 's in control of himself but if he 's really attracted to a girl , it 's not so easy to stop at … well , just kissing . ’
10 I should think he 's in the group , is n't he ?
11 And do not let him think he is to be parted from you forever Ellen for this would not be the truth .
12 Oh I do n't think he is at this rate na , Jonathan !
13 ‘ I did n't think he was into women , ’ she reveals .
14 And what does he think he was during these years ?
15 Do you think he was under any pressure from any source — financial , from relatives , from the staff ?
16 I do n't think he was at all well known abroad but in Austria he was famous for his wit .
17 The equivalent Japanese , transported to modern Tokyo would think he was on a different planet !
18 He wrote a few letters on my behalf and I just did n't think he was for me because of what I saw at the time .
19 Would have made him think he was with the poor bloody paras in a tent in Afghanistan …
20 Just who did he think he was with that arrogant , contemptuous expression on his face ?
21 ‘ Why do you think he was like that ? ’
22 Eleanor would think he was in a cancer ward and be impressed by his bravery and pity him .
23 The voice he puts on for the customers , you would think he was in daily contact with the Lord Mayor or the Duke .
24 ‘ I do n't think he was in danger of falling any further in but it was about five foot deep . ’
25 ‘ I do n't think he was in danger of falling any further in , but it was about five feet deep . ’
26 I do n't think he was in the best of moods when he , we got to him .
27 That lightness of his , each step as though he might take off altogether ! — and then , how he stood there , at the foot of the stairs , straight and slender ; you 'd think he was from another world , he was so pale and fine , with his glistening cropped hair … but he was scowling most horribly .
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