Example sentences of "think of it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would n't even think of it for a minute if it was n't best for everybody .
2 ‘ You can think of it with a fire going and a light burning , , Jean said .
3 Right , well what do you think of it at the front ?
4 A further defence came from Tony Swift , chairman of the International Federation rules committee : ‘ We do n't think of it as a woman up there — as far as we are concerned it is a person , ’ he said .
5 Over the next two months , we will be subjected to a barrage of argument , statistics and plain propaganda from Woolworths ( yes , call it Kingfisher if you want , but most people will still think of it as Woolies ) and from Dixons .
6 But he did not think of it as a cosmic event which must somehow change the whole of human thought , altering philosophy and theology and closing the mouths of poets ; such a view seemed to him superstitious , a denial of ordinary scholarship and ordinary hard-thinking rationality .
7 I do not think of it as a quest in the normal sense but as a drowning or shipwreck in the infinite .
8 ‘ I looked up and saw this person — I did n't think of it as me .
9 By all means enjoy an autumn romance but do not think of it as anything more than that . ’
10 Instead of thinking of society as made up of simple parts , we must think of it as a collection of wholes which together make up one ‘ complex whole ’ .
11 Do n't think of it as a cage ; it 's your home , so learn to love it . "
12 Yeah if you can write erm do n't think of it as as homework you might like to writ it in book or something .
13 So we put another wire on , do n't think of it as resistance , think of it as a conductor , it 's going to let some more current through .
14 and say well think of the conductance , do n't think of it as resisting and stopping the water , how much can it get along and get through ?
15 You can think of it as sharing it out between people , share that ten pound out between ten of you .
16 ‘ Besides , it comes with a condition attached , so do n't think of it as a gift . ’
17 It includes 28 fonts and you can think of it as a sort of ATM that does work with FX80 ( and other ) printers and WordPerfect 5.1 .
18 Oh no , it would n't , I would n't think of it as an alternative to interaction with other people .
19 I would think of it as er
20 ‘ Well , I do n't think of it as a crusade , more a cleansing operation .
21 You can think of it as a genetic ruler .
22 I ca n't think of it as fashion
23 So it 's it 's vital that you get this exercise right and it , and you must n't just think of it as part of the study of History of Language , it 's not , it 's , it 's a er a definite part of your course .
24 If you could cut out the sound track of shells and sniper fire , ignore the gaping holes in the beautiful buildings and the lack of water and electricity , and did n't notice the rubbish in the streets , you would think of it as a normal city . ’
25 The current is you can think of it as the amount of water goes through , it 's actually the the current is the amount of electrons that get through in a second .
26 Do n't think of it as taking away one thinking of it , think of it as minus one , a number .
27 I could not be happy doing that , but as a pop singer I was in my element , because really all I d I did n't even think of it as singing , I thought of it , when I performed on stage as a pop singer I just thought of of it really of making love to the audience .
28 But do n't think of it as a miniature .
29 So , if I want to play a melody , I 'll think of it along the strings rather than across , to take advantage of that .
30 Do you think of it in terms of a melody and then harmonise it , or does the whole thing come as a block concept ?
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