Example sentences of "think she could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Afraid that she might have hurt Nora , who was sitting very quietly , Louise added , ‘ Of course , she 'll miss you but I do think she could stay on for a little longer , to see what might happen . ’
2 Nor did she think she could hide anything from this man with the golden eyes .
3 She did n't think she could walk on to the catwalk twice ; once was going to take all the courage she had .
4 Perdita did n't think she could eat another thing , but the figs in syrup that followed were so delicious she was soon piling on great dollops of cream .
5 Sally said nothing , and Harriet went on : ‘ You do n't really think she could do something like that , do you ?
6 She would have to begin all over again , and she really did n't think she could do that .
7 ‘ Did n't think she could do a thing like that ?
8 Almost level with the last sunflower and she did n't think she could make it .
9 She did n't think she could make it .
10 He would n't put her on watch if he did n't think she could handle the responsibility .
11 His mouth refused to release hers , and every movement he made sent her spiralling deeper into an apparently bottomless pit of pleasure , it washed over her , saturated her , invaded every one of her nerve-ends until she did n't think she could stand it any more .
12 They were not due to leave Sintra until early afternoon tomorrow , but she did not think she could stand another day of his kisses and caresses .
13 She did not think she could stand another hour , another minute , another second .
14 But she also said Hawick wanted her to give up her partnership here and she did n't think she could bear to . ’
15 But Jessamy did n't think she could cope with spending even half an hour with Julius .
16 He did n't think she could face this with any coolness and she had to convince him .
17 Her legs , she said , refused to work and she did n't think she could go on .
18 As a justification for indulging the imperative demands of the flesh it was pathetic , and she knew it , but she did n't think she could go on fighting the passion they awoke in each other .
19 She hoped that he would n't suggest coming up for a coffee ; she did n't think she could rise to a social occasion at this particular moment , so she was thankful to accept her car keys , bid him a hurried , ‘ Safe journey , ’ and close the door again .
20 I mean , if she 's peculiar , do you think she could have had something to do with Dominic 's death ? ’
21 ‘ But I was surprised at her type ; you would think she could have got a job , a decent one somewhere .
22 Craig had been wonderful to Hari during the past days , she did n't think she could have got through it all without him .
23 ‘ You do n't think she could have come across something that put her in danger ? ’
24 She did n't think she could have gone on handling this by herself , not on top of everything else that had happened .
25 But I do n't think she could have dumped him .
26 ‘ Well , one of them that caused the trouble , he has n't got a father , you see , so therefore … and he was mucking about and she told him to get out and of course he answered her back , which I do n't think she could take really .
27 Nor , when their parents had already helped them more than enough with furniture and carpets and the like when they had first moved in , did she think she could take any more from them .
28 She really did n't think she could afford all that .
29 Emily turned and looked at Charlotte , but I do n't think she could see the heather .
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