Example sentences of "think [that] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ However , I do think that they are a breed more for the connoisseur than for the average dog owner . ’
2 But the ear bones of toothed whales are heavy and quite rudimentary , and we do not think that they are very important in transmitting received ultrasounds .
3 They may think that they are realistically aware of what they are letting themselves in for and what they need to know about each other 's strengths and weaknesses .
4 Neither of these approaches is relevant to the Sonnets , obviously enough , but a third certainly is , namely the question of euphony , the difference between ‘ Do you think that they are threatening ? ’ and ‘ Thinkst thou that they threaten ? ’
5 So that in itself would make people stop and think that they are going to take work away from health service and social service workers .
6 When I visit Labour leaders in the north-east , north-west and elsewhere I do not think that they are living in the past , either .
7 Well I 'm happy that the flats are coming down because I do n't think that they 're really fit places for people to live .
8 So you think , what , you do n't think that they 're
9 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
10 Have I remembered to do that ? ) sometimes kindly people try so hard to get their message across that one would think that they were talking to a mentally backward five-year-old !
11 He did not think that they were adequately prepared for their roles as modern doctors .
12 She tells how the women came to the factory beaten by their husbands and how some were scared to be downgraded in their work because they feared a beating from husbands who would think that they were holding some money back .
13 It had been the amount of blood flowing which had made him think that they were worse .
14 The amount of dis-information about the compatibility between PCs and Macintoshes is really quite staggering , on the face of it you would think that they were unable to speak at all .
15 You would think that they were — thankfully — drawing to a close , and then they would burst off again for another hour and you found yourself wishing they would just shut up .
16 They were concerned least the Shah should think that they were rebuking him for comparing him unfavourably with them of steel .
17 Anyone looking at the two of them would think that they were lovers .
18 He said and I do n't think that they were meant to be perhaps they were meant to be in order of importance .
19 you would n't think that they were a band like , you can tell they were on drugs , some of them .
20 How could you go on letting me think that they were true ? ’
21 And got ta , do do you think that they were gon na accept it ?
22 Without this information , the speechreader may appear to interrupt rudely or think that something is going on that he is missing .
23 ‘ What makes you think that something is the matter ? ’
24 Do you think that one is the right size ?
25 ‘ Really , ’ sighed Mr Punch when he had got it all off his chest , ‘ from the outrages which have been late perpetrated , one might think that one was living now in London as it used to be a hundred years ago . ’
26 But we all we can do is reflect the position of women in society , and I do not think that what 's we 're about and I do not think it 's what the parliamentary Labour party .
27 Then somehow she was spreadeagled along the seat and he was half-kneeling , half -lying on top of her and suddenly she did not think that what was between her legs was his finger .
28 The padre told them that they must not think that theirs was a wasted journey .
29 We can all think that we 're not that gullible or stupid ; for instance , I buy most of my things , shampoo and stuff at the Body Shop ( which does n't advertise that way ) because I 'm a vegetarian and I do n't believe in animal testing .
30 of water — Do n't think that we 're
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