Example sentences of "go [prep] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
2 In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh .
3 Go through all the names in this way .
4 Take one question at a time and go through all the trainees ' answers to it .
5 Go through all the old papers in detail and construct a table on the following lines .
6 ‘ You think she should be pregnant for nine months and go through all the agonies of giving birth , and then give it away ? ’
7 Er , you know , go through all the ingredient .
8 You go through all the example patterns .
9 Mark Twain was so impressed he included a description in his work The Innocents Abroad : ‘ I watched the Silver Swan which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes — watched him swimming about as comfortably and unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jewellers ' shop — watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it ’ .
10 I intend o go through all the files in due course , I mean it 's
11 I mean it was what , what and if you go through all the papers you can see that , that Robert Maxwell really saw that self regulation erm legislation being that he could finally get control through an investment management company of his pension funds .
12 Go through all the pictures .
13 So we well this week on Tuesday we 're erm going swim and spa and Rosemary and Anne and all them er Maggie they 're , they are all there so this is what we 're gon na do try for this week and see what it 's like , you know go through all the system there .
14 And I just go through all the catastrophes that I 've bought you , so from now on it 's cash , just cash .
15 Go after all the various speakers .
16 This is something that God does in in the verses earlier , Jesus says go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation , he who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved !
17 Our best wishes go with all the above for a happy and healthy future
18 And then they go in all the rest
19 Then they go in all the rest of the well just the downstairs .
20 These recommendations go on all the time , but they are recommendations and that is all .
21 The Americans have weather programmes on TV that go on all the time , 24 hours a day .
22 Experimentation and development go on all the time as the company searches for new ways to capture and build on the knowledge already accumulated by its workers .
23 Ordinary things that go on all the time .
24 You go to all the trouble of finding me a bed in a night shelter and you then get me so drunk they 'll refuse point-blank to let me in ! ’
25 It would probably proceed as follows : from A , go to all the openings you can see ; from each of those openings , go to any further openings you can see ; by continuing this procedure , generate the tree of Figure 10 ; report the shortest sequence starting at A and ending at E. The reason for preferring a computer program to a verbal account ( for example , the one just given ) , is that , when writing a program , you are forced to say exactly what you mean ; if the program works , you know that there are no hidden difficulties with your explanation .
26 The migrating cells may be made up of a mixture of all the different cell types in immature form , that go to all the sites and a particular type survives only if it arrives at an appropriate site — a sort of cell selection .
27 ‘ The cost of taking everybody certainly does mount up , but we are all dead keen and we usually go to all the matches home and away , ’ said Gill .
28 Everybody used to come to New York City for three weeks a year and go to all the galleries .
29 ‘ And I certainly do n't think any of the other guys said , ‘ I really want to hang out with you , chase girls , go to all the right parties and live really well — so how can we do this ? ’
30 Our sincere thanks go to all the patients who have volunteered to share their experiences and allowed us to divulge intimate details about them , in the hope of helping others .
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