Example sentences of "probably [not/n't] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Under ordinary circumstances , Nurse Goodman would probably not have given permission but ‘ the Major ’ , as he had become known , was such a mystery that she was glad to feel that at least somebody knew of his fate and cared enough to come to the hospital to see how he was getting on .
2 You will probably not have to lift your dog up frequently , but it is important that it becomes used to this experience .
3 Had it been essential to inject , many ‘ new ’ users stated that they would probably not have experimented with heroin in the first place .
4 And er I 've already referred to a byproduct of over-provision that sites are then moved on to sh car showrooms and erm supermarkets which are needs which or demands which would probably not have justified the allocation of the land for industry in the first place but once the land is allocated to industry it seems to be thought that no harm would be done by allocating those to something else .
5 The heavy hand of a resident father would probably not have stopped him being suspended from school three times , once for smoking , once for swearing and once for self-confessed vandalism ( breaking a rival basketball team 's scoreboard because they played dirty , for which he took a part-time job to pay for the damage ) .
6 Phoebe , in fairness , could not have known that the maths teacher , shamed in public , should take to hating Maggie with a spiteful glee , though she would probably not have cared if she had .
7 All that the jury found was that had they not done so they would probably not have survived to be rescued .
8 Moulin 's behind-the-scenes work would probably not have gone very far , however , without a public appeal from de Gaulle to the leaders of the Resistance .
9 All the parties concerned gained publicity which they would probably not have achieved otherwise .
10 Late in 1688 he was overthrown by a revolt in which most of the powerful men in the country rose against him , though they would probably not have rebelled if William of Orange , the ruler of the Netherlands who became William III of England , had not organized an invasion .
11 It will probably not have to choose .
12 He pointed out that although the Select Committee had regretted that the opinion of the assessors was not taken into consideration in the outcome of the competition , they would probably not have chosen Scott .
13 And anyhow , Cara would probably not have lasted more than two minutes in her job in the journalistic field had she not grown a few hard edges .
14 He said that he thought that the wife entered into the charge of her own free will but that he would probably not have mentioned the question of undue influence to her at the time she executed the charge .
15 Unlike Mr Major , Mr Hurd is an experienced former diplomat and a Foreign Office Minister of State who has sounded made-for-the-job since day one , which is why he would probably not have got it but for the Lawson affair .
16 Unlike Mr Major , Mr Hurd is an experienced former diplomat and a Foreign Office Minister of State who has sounded made-for-the-job since day one , which is why he would probably not have got it but for the Lawson affair .
17 They will probably not have spent any amount of time with a mentally handicapped person or really know how they behave .
18 For example , some governments would probably not have spent as much on telecommunications as they have done without the stimulus of a foreign-dominated export sector that produces hard-currency earnings , and the expectation that such facilities , however expensive , would attract even more companies .
19 This interdependence was not simply the outcome of company imposition : had direct compulsion by the employers been the crucial mechanism , political quiescence would probably not have resulted , as illustrated by the resistance of Kent miners to buttyism ( Goffer , 1977 ) and that of Doncaster area miners to village stratagems ( Gibbon , 1988 ) .
20 There would surely have been a strong argument for it to take its gauge from the parent line and worry about the break of gauge later , when it met the Cambrian — which of course would probably not have happened .
21 While Mr Fallon will probably not have had the chance to read the report , we think it unwise for him to dismiss it out of hand .
22 But expressions of a recursive language , I maintain , could probably not have acquired their categorial valency as it were , their powers of combination into new but readily understood messages , unless their users were on the second rung of the intentional ladder and therefore , potentially , past the Gricean hump .
23 But the government 's bounty attracted industry that would probably not have come to Berlin otherwise , and might not stay without it .
24 The medical evidence establishes that but for the accident , Fred would probably not have committed suicide .
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