Example sentences of "probably get [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Probably got a bit of maintenance wire somewhere .
2 It sounds like it was bought new , so you probably got a guarantee with it from the manufacturer .
3 probably got A levels this May , whatever
4 Okay , like friends probably got a lot of friends
5 At least I probably got the coffee for nothing .
6 I have probably got a chance of getting tickets through Jack Charlton .
7 ‘ You 've probably got a bit of cold coming on .
8 Probably er you know people 's probably got a bit of money so they do n't need to break in to anybody .
9 I thought there might be somewhere where they 'd have an old circular saw you know , probably got a bit more chance with help , but they do a bit of rough cutting do you know what I mean ?
10 You 've probably got a bit of damp in there .
11 And if Labour 'd got in they 'd of er , your dad said he 'd er probably got a rise
12 The answer was going to be that er , just as we look back on Darwin and do n't notice his Lamarckism , in , in a sense , Darwin was n't as Darwinian as we might now think , so we 've probably got a picture of Freud which is , er , more Freudian as it were , than Freud really was .
13 Erm so two pounds of that went with sale with the sale of the journal and so we can say we had twelve pounds unsolicited donations , erm as Peggy would back me up if she was here , saying that any time you ask someone to sign the flood gates open with what they thought about the position of pensioners , in fact we 've probably got a lot more signatures if they had n't , but erm , we did pick up , we , I picked up the news about Welwyn Garden City 's cost of and things like that not going through and erm , erm , now , our month our monthly , our monthly stall will not be on the third third Thursday this year , it will be on the fourth to co-inside with the week were celebrating pensioner 's week , which is a week behind National .
14 He 's probably got a lot of contacts along the way for anything anything you want you ask him okay .
15 If you 've got a business you 've probably got an accountant .
16 Yeah n what you need to do is if you can look up the what the input parameters h how many input parameters there are , and if there are if if it 's basically a batch of twenty one parameters , er I can probably I 've probably got the source code for them .
17 And every now and again he probably gets a shade nervous at keeping cash under the floor-boards or wherever he puts it , and starts spreading the load . ’
18 She 's also produced very kind of her erm , a questionnaire about the Royal Quays erm to take home to their parents and grandparents to bring back and about , probably get a couple of copies of that and then when they 've done that the seventh and fourteenth she 's going to , or we 're gon na select two pupils from each of the classes to go out with her , one group to go into the middle of North Shields
19 ‘ It 's Saturday night they probably get a lot of hoax calls from drunks . ’
20 She had stayed at the baths a long time , probably getting a chill , but worst of all no-one would testify that the water in the pool had had a proper dose of chlorine .
21 You 're probably getting the picture by now — Russan is a typical product of the 80s .
22 Local artists will probably get a look in eventually , although there are other organisations such as the cultural foundation of the Caixa de Pensiones Bank which actively promote younger artists within Spain .
23 Yeah but I should probably get a bit of today there , no problem .
24 But I mean more or less so You 'll probably get a feel for when you 've got things .
25 We 'll probably get a confession if he ever comes round .
26 Smile pleasantly and show a real interest in the customer 's needs , and you 'll probably get a smile and a pleasant response in return .
27 ‘ You 'll probably get a medal . ’
28 New toys will probably get a lot of use when they are first opened , and batteries can run down surprisingly quickly .
29 Actually , he could probably get a game .
30 If we did n't play music we 'd probably get a baseball team together .
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