Example sentences of "once more [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Birds leave their roosts and take to the skies ; monkeys jump away through the branches to find breakfast , and antelope disperse once more over the open plains to graze , knowing that if danger comes they stand a good chance of seeing it before it gets lethally close .
2 She handed over the small package , and then ran her gaze once more over the chaos in the office .
3 This living nightmare lasted for many hours until a sickly daylight showed again and the sun could be seen once more through the haze of dust .
4 Then followed a cruise round Zeeland and Fünen before passing once more through the Keil Canal , running down the Dutch coast and crossing the North Sea to Harwich .
5 Two days later the sea had settled down after the prolonged gale and we headed north once more through the rock strewn channels and islands .
6 ‘ My maternal grandfather was Italian , ’ she surprised herself by replying , reaching for her refilled glass , extending it towards Rune and going once more through the motions he had taught her .
7 ICI broke once more through the £13 barrier but Glaxo failed to hold a rise above £8 .
8 Accept this and the gateway to other worlds will slowly swing wide for you and each day will bring forth new wonders , so that you become once more as a child , absorbed and enchanted by all there is of which to learn .
9 There was an overwhelming drive to win the war : Britain was not the aggressor and the country could think of itself once more as a nation with a mission .
10 CND emerged once more as the focal point of popular dissent .
11 For Maria , and perhaps even for Luke , the evening finally came to mean something when , having done his duty as an announcer , Florian Jones was called up on stage once more as the winner of the radio category in which he had been nominated .
12 ( One might subtract the perception of the past from the perception of the future and smooth that once more as an index of optimism over time . )
13 Storr 's agreement with Rundell 's terminated on 18 February 1819 , by which time he had already found suitable workshops in Harrison Street , Gray 's Inn Road , where he set up once more as an independent manufacturer .
14 Dennis Waterman is set to hit our screens once more as an ex-SAS soldier in the political thriller , Circle of Deceit .
15 Can I remind you on once more about the please .
16 I knew that during those brief immortal moments when I was standing up on the board , walking on water , I too felt like a supreme being , until the ocean cast me down again and turned me once more into a creeping thing that creepeth upon the face of the earth .
17 Kelly looked away and drifted off once more into a hallucinogenic nightmare .
18 Placing her thumb in her mouth , she sucked on it furiously for a few seconds before settling down once more into a deep sleep .
19 It was not simply that this or that particular topic might need revision or reassessment , but , they said , ‘ It is vital for us to turn our back on academic eclecticism … , and on the tendency to turn the study of literature and language from a systematic science back once more into a miscellany of episodic and anecdotal essays ’ ( 1977 : 49 ) .
20 He stiffened the sinews , jutted the jaw , summoned the Baker blood and delivered the ‘ once more into the breach dear friends ’ soliloquy with fiery passion .
21 ‘ There was a transitional moment of delicious uneasiness and then — instantaneously — the long inhibition was over , the dry desert lay behind , I was off once more into the land of longing , my heart at once broken and exalted as it had never been since the old days at Bookham . ’
22 The man thanked him and headed off once more into the darkness .
23 She paused for a moment under a feeble electric light to recover her self-possession , drawing the clean cold air into her lungs , before plunging once more into the third circle of this industrial inferno .
24 Even the one who has betrayed the light sooner or later is forced to come back to the centre of stability , where he is raised once more into the understanding of clarity and purity of thought and action .
25 After declining sharply up to 1979 its share of both stabilized in the first years of the Thatcher government , only to fall once more into the late 1980s .
26 Yet would it not be better to abandon this headlong errand and sleep rather than go out once more into the drenching darkness ?
27 It is through common sense , fair dealing and strength of will that he dominates the men he now has to command , first for days in an open boat with scant food and water and then in the Bird of Dawning , a rival grain-clipper found deserted and drifting and brought once more into the final and victorious stages of the race .
28 But when she heard or saw nothing more , she dropped the net drape back into place , to disappear once more into the darkness of her house .
29 Ellie asked as they climbed once more into the elevator .
30 We need , therefore , to sally forth once more into the mathematical jungle of vector spaces .
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