Example sentences of "'d [been] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 'd been services in St Simon and St Jude 's every day this week .
2 They 'd been friends for some time when I first knew them but I did n't realise how long .
3 We 'd been friends for so long , we could n't understand what was happening . ’
4 There was an immediate rapport , as if we 'd been friends for years , and that happens only rarely .
5 All those years ago after we 'd been friends for a couple of months or so ( and he 'd borrowed quite a bit more money off me ) , I confessed to him that I was being persecuted by a thug called Dudley .
6 ‘ We 'd been friends for 30 years but ‘ discovered ’ each other when Misia became a widow .
7 There was none to be seen in this small guest room , but there 'd been shelves of them lining two walls in the sitting-room overlooking the Thames .
8 In the past there 'd been cases of children who were witches .
9 Earlier there 'd been demonstrations at the Moat House hotel in the city where a conference was being held .
10 Earlier there 'd been demonstrations at the Moat House hotel in the city where a conference was being held .
11 There 'd been incidents of violence between gangland type er warfare between inmates .
12 They 'd been lovers for some time , apparently .
13 Because th th th th there , there 'd been statements from Mao until the end of nineteen forty five where he 's still talking about land to the tiller being some way off
14 There 'd been months of preparation and delays because of the weather .
15 There 'd been photographs of these people 's faces in the newspapers , but Stephen had forgotten what the faces looked like .
16 Because there 'd been arguments about it earlier on in the century , had n't there ?
17 They 'd been almost-friends for six years .
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