Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd heard it said that th the development of this site has been in the development plan for twenty years
2 Now the authority of the community was carried by the Sanhedrin they brought him to what is what they accepted as a trial erm they 'd assessed that something was going against their structures , and as I 've already said religious life was the most important thing he 'd broken it seems a religious law and the council the court the gathering together of the seventy members of the Sanhedrin were going to in a serious sort of way check this out , check this accusation out .
3 Funny , she thought ; in those brief seconds after she 'd fallen it had sounded so different , so full of warmth , so full of concern .
4 D' ya know I 'd forgotten it 's got dirty beads on .
5 I 'd heard so much about the blinking cruise being in October and not in September that I 'd considered it done and June , fool that she is , chose not to challenge me outright because her tactic is to suffer in silence until her suffering spills from her like lava , devastating everyone in its path .
6 But he 'd made it swallow a hook beforehand — ( Serafine opens her mouth and wiggles her little finger inside , and both Xanthe and Miranda squirm at the sight of her soft tongue , imagining the laceration , the capture. ) — And this little hook 's at the end of a thread , and the thread 's attached to a trapeze of sticks hanging above .
7 If we 'd seen it coming sooner then er we would perhaps not have got started on all the many schemes are actually on site .
8 They 'd seen it happen before to Gesner 's dancers , but not usually so early in the Season .
9 but when it come out me mouth , as soon as I said it I thought you should n't speak to people to people like that but I 'd said it had n't I ?
10 She ought to have hated the child she was carrying , it being the cause of her return to squalor after the effort she had made to rise above it , but since she 'd felt it move she could n't reject it .
11 For the first couple of days he 'd used it to shave and wash but now he was finding it too icy .
12 Right , he knew what she was talking about , she 'd got it written down and she was gon na get that information .
13 But he 'd got it coming , and she — she 'd got his word that , when it was all over , she 'd still have her job .
14 ‘ I assumed you 'd got it worked out somehow , ’ she murmurs .
15 I 'd slave my guts out on a case and think I 'd got it settled and a week later the woman would turn up in my office with the same dreary tale .
16 Day and night they worked on it , never letting up until they 'd got it finished and slung up down at Castle Crags — you must have passed it coming up — fit to be a fortress on its own , and the net went across the crags and across again to the other side .
17 I 'd watched it happen at school .
18 But that 's OK because at least he never mentioned it was a mess until after I 'd had it cut , and tidied it up .
19 And I 've , I er , I , we me we met a girl and she 'd had it done and it was lovely !
20 and I 'm seeing the surgeon today and erm and I met somebody the other day who 'd had it done and his fingers were n't affected , you know , so I mean it 's just the luck of the draw I think .
21 Thought you 'd had it done .
22 If there had been a chair on this side of the room , she 'd had it removed .
23 I opened my eyes eventually and took the compass out of my jeans pocket , where I 'd stowed it to have hands free for standing up .
24 When the police eventually found the abandoned truck they 'd assume the driver who 'd stolen it had been drunk .
25 Once she 'd got over her natural disgust , she 'd found it stimulated a weird , perverse feeling of being naughty , like a child playing in a lavatory .
26 Fine lime trees formed a natural avenue for the approach ; copper beeches and great elms gave shelter from the wind in the east ; should the river flood , as he 'd observed it did after heavy rain , the house was safe upon its hill .
27 That she 'd removed it to look at , I mean .
28 The hotel we stayed at was called The Leningrad when we arrived , but before we 'd left it had changed to the St Petersburg .
29 No burglar alarm ; either Ben did n't have one , or , uncharacteristically careless , he 'd left it switched off .
30 I do n't think we 'd lost it had we ?
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