Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My favourite was a Wendy house which he 'd furnished with a tiny drop-leaf mahogany table , two matching chairs and a T.V. with clicking knobs and a picture of the Queen behind the perspex screen .
2 He 'd heard about the jail 's reputation for handling violent and dangerous offenders .
3 He 'd heard of a buyer with a hunger that was not being satisfied through conventional markets , and Klein had allowed it to be known that he might be able to lay his hands on something attractive .
4 He 'd heard of the place .
5 He thought he 'd heard of the Box .
6 In short he 'd heard of the last minute vacancy a sort of electoral bucket shop familiar to Hexham Conservatives through Tony Blair , a friend through Cranston 's sideline as a Labour front bench trade and industry adviser .
7 She 'd heard of an opening for a showroom model at one of the better fashion houses on the Via Monte-napoleone ; despite the agency 's insistence on scouting all jobs itself , she had gone around to the house and applied for the position herself , listing International Models as representing her .
8 I 'd heard on the grapevine it was nearly settled . ’
9 He 'd got the idea from a song he 'd heard on the radio while he was driving .
10 She was listening for a new noise , the noise she thought she 'd heard on the way out to Chateaubriand : the irregular tapping of the axis lock crystal , jumping in its housing .
11 as if he were telling the story to someone else , Culley gave him a full account of what he 'd heard on the tape .
12 Perhaps she 'd heard on the college grapevine that Barney had been getting an undue amount of visits from the police and was rejoicing that the heat was off her beloved Rodney .
13 Pascoe realized that what he 'd heard in the voice on the phone had n't been age , but sickness .
14 Wisps of rumour I 'd heard in the cafes started to fall together .
15 I 'd heard from a sceptic that there were only six basic shots in surfing photography and everything else was just window dressing .
16 Kalchu was reflecting , wondering which of the shots we 'd heard from the house .
17 ‘ My sole reason for invading your maiden privacy , ’ he said with sarcasm , ‘ was because I 'd heard from the police .
18 He 'd faced foxes , he 'd helped to drive the Truck , he 'd flown on a goose — but none of them was half so bad as letting a human being actually touch him .
19 I 'd flown for the first time , out to Malta in an old , rattling York aircraft , and then on to the Canal one .
20 But after a few weeks my girlfriend 's dad got a phone call from the old couple we 'd painted the house for , they wanted to get in the coal shed and could n't because I 'd painted over the lock .
21 She 'd arranged with the school for me to see her results and report later when she phoned from the villa .
22 He 'd arranged with the parish priest to stay the night here .
23 I 'd arranged with the local flying club to go up in a small ‘ Cub ’ training aircraft , which is well-suited for aerial photography as it has a very slow cruising speed .
24 And I also said that Dr Kemp had n't turned up at the railway station when they 'd arranged for a taxi to pick him up and take him — ’
25 ‘ That he 'd arranged for the bank to cash cheques on his and my signature until all this is settled . ’
26 If he 'd explained at the beginning — and it did n't cancel out the fact that he 'd lied to her , did it ?
27 I 'd like to remind him that 's nothing to the idiot he made of himself on All Fools Day last when he found the dead stoat I 'd placed in the pulpit .
28 He had spent a while in the toilet , most of the time with his ear to the stethoscope-like instrument he 'd pressed against the closed door .
29 They 'd set his hand and cast it , and then after a second set of plates a week later they 'd broken off the cast and operated .
30 It was a late start because of the poor education he 'd received at the local Protestant school .
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