Example sentences of "less [adj] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Okay we 'll make it even even more less messy looking and have Y equals
2 Quick sponge cake is best made the day before using ( or earlier ) , as the cake will then be much easier and less messy to cut and shape .
3 Or is the current wave of hooliganism in British football merely a continuation of old traditions , which we now are less willing to tolerate and more anxious to report ?
4 Hong Kong manufacturers depend almost entirely on export markets , many of which have been less willing to forgive and forget .
5 Surely , investors will be less willing to buy and sell shares if they think that they may soon become the ‘ victims ’ of insider dealing .
6 Pinot Noir , Burgundy 's top red grape , is less willing to travel and has not been entirely amenable to efforts to tame it in Australia .
7 Feminist psychologists ' concentration on interviews or autobiographical writings of , for instance , lesbian women , or even the insertion of extracts from such work into quantitative studies , arrogates an interpretative power to these methodological forms which is less easy to define and challenge than the power of objective method .
8 It would be less easy to avoid and it would be an incentive to save .
9 A more complex rule , linking monetary policy to last period 's unemployment rate or balance of payments deficit or whatever , may be less easy to understand and more subject to error because of , for example , inaccuracies in the balance of payments figures .
10 You must take a more mature , philosophical view of the world and you 'll be less quick to condemn and more tolerant of others .
11 Some large firms have demonstrated a preference for female workers , often on the grounds of their supposed nimble fingers though , in reality , usually because they can be paid less and are less likely to unionise and form any opposition to management .
12 Benedict , a Californian now based in Hertford , has given the 405 low-volume side-tanks to make the boat less likely to invert and easier to right .
13 Inter-departmental disputes are less likely to arise and cooperation between managers is more easily achievable in the absence of ‘ political ’ in-fighting .
14 The cover has to be disturbed and scratched open by frequent hoeing ; a claw hoe is ideal for this , as it is less likely to snag and damage the root stems .
15 In general , the lower an individual 's class position , the more likely he or she is to leave school at the minimum leaving age and the less likely to aspire and strive for a highly rewarded position .
16 There is already substantial evidence to show that the wives of unemployed claimants are less likely to work and more likely to stop working once their husbands are unemployed , than other women .
17 If on the other hand the consequences are neutral or unpleasant , then the behaviour is less likely to occur and an alternative will be found .
18 Even if the quarrel is not started by you at all , you will be less able to cope and respond appropriately if you are already slightly under the weather .
19 Are they saying that housewives are less able to understand and resist the dangers than other workers , or that all oppressed workers should renounce pay as the way to liberation ?
20 This is due to their large size , the complexity and time required to install such a system and the fact that a machine bound system tends to be less flexible to change and re-layout .
21 And he seemed more alert than when he had left , less inclined to shrug and yawn and leave everything to her .
22 The wheat is less reliable , both in yield and quality , being much slower to get away in a cold spring and less certain to ripen and harden into high-quality baking grain .
23 Thicker films , while less liable to crinkle and curl on porous or high relief specimens , are much more difficult to mount flat , and give lower contrast and microscopic resolution .
24 Or will the people discover the lie and then be less ready to accept and be guided by his rulings than if he had been more open from the start ?
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