Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 I would stake my life on it , ’ will not be able to claim either that it was a mere trader 's puff or that it was a mere statement of opinion .
2 You may be able to work out that He refers to an animate masculine entity , the subject of both clauses .
3 But we 've just said that he should still have been able to work out that his space was curved , even though he could n't see it .
4 As you thought , Mrs. Jack has not been able to state openly that a parent can withdraw a child if they so wish as it would be seen , like Tayside , to undermine ‘ the consensual approach ’ .
5 Well he 's always been able to drink like that he 's .
6 In the sister institute in the French-speaking Cameroon set up somewhat earlier at Yaounde , workers embarked more conventionally straight into a programme of materials production and were able to announce confidently that by March 1973 , ‘ about 47 tons of textbooks and 33 tons of documents have been produced ’ , but you can not profitably assess the success of a curriculum by weight ; many megatons of unprofitable material have been produced ( and will still be produced ) all over Africa just because no preliminary study had been made to ascertain whether children and parents wanted them , could afford them , read them or understand them .
7 In January 1964 , when Hegarty complained about imbalance in corporation employment , Alderman Gerald Glover , for the Unionists , was able to point out that according to the records , ninety-nine appointments out of one hundred were agreed by all members of the corporation .
8 A finance director challenged about the emergence of unexpected cash flow problems may be able to point out that they are due to invoicing delays caused by the breakdown of a new computer system , purchased and installed without sufficient thought and against his advice .
9 I happened at that time to be a Council member , and I was therefore able to point out that Bondi 's listing of observational errors were all taken from well-attested literature .
10 Because of shouting by Opposition Members when I made my statement , I was not able to point out that the increase in the ratio of total Government expenditure to gross domestic product , both central and local , is only half a percentage point next year .
11 With intelligent programming , the computer should have been able to recognise either that this particular customer needed an overdraft or that he has probably just become redundant and that mortgage repayment might soon present a problem .
12 More and more users are able to switch now that the alternatives have become increasingly available .
13 And we have in fact been able to demonstrate already that this is so .
14 Thus the theory of light was unified with the theory of electromagnetism , although it took another 30 years before Heinrich Hertz was able to demonstrate positively that electromagnetic waves did exist .
15 While courts and tribunals will again be reluctant to conclude that you have forfeited your entitlements , it makes sense to ensure that there is no question of your employer being able to argue later that there was no dismissal , if that does not suit you .
16 If you are a good journalist you 're already there ; you should be able to anticipate ahead that there might be an invasion on .
17 Last week , SCO 's European business development manager , Steve Spill , was able to say only that his company 's Open Desktop port to MIPS/ACE is ‘ continuing as of today , but we 'll be looking closely when the Intel P5 [ 80586 ] is launched . ’
18 However Scotland 's largest education authority , Strathclyde Regional Council , was able to say yesterday that there had been none at all in its area since the establishment of the council in the mid-Seventies .
19 Politicians do n't have time to read screeds , so you have to give them short , pithy things to look at , We were doing all this anyway , of course , but the chaps at Barton , including Andy , are working on it much more effectively since we were able to say definitely that the DTI civil servants were agin them .
20 It may be necessary to chart events and actions to be able to show later that teachers acted promptly and appropriately ; in child abuse particularly , but also in other cases , careful records may be helpful in protecting the child or someone else from harm .
21 When I set myself to search this site , my first little breakthrough came when I uncovered a bronze coin weight ; this was in very poor condition but I was able to make out that it was 17th century in date .
22 When Grant was asked in 1967 to date the former , he was able to prove conclusively that the paper used for the purported 1925 diary was not yet being made in Italy in 1937 , because he had spent part of that year studying the Italian paper industry in detail for his employers .
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