Example sentences of "able [verb] they down " in BNC.

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1 Terror terror terror — I hate hate hate dreams — no I do n't , I hate hate hate not being able to write them down .
2 Well we 've fortunately been able to track them down to the waxes which er occur on land so what we 're seeing here is a , an input from the land carried on the dusts which are blown in the winds from the Sahara and other regions out into the Atlantic Ocean .
3 We just do n't seem to be able to track them down or attract them in quite the same way , so there is a massive practical problem if you want them to have a voice in how things are done , there 's no doubt about that .
4 At first people thought that particles of light traveled infinitely fast , so gravity would not have been able to slow them down , but the discovery by Roemer that light travels at a finite speed meant that gravity might have an important effect .
5 I 've taken suspects to the police station when I have n't been able to break them down , and I 've told my inspector exactly what 's happened , he 's got the whole picture and then he 's closed the door and called the man in , closed the door .
6 You may be able to get them down today .
7 Well I 'll be able to take them down in a minute .
8 So I mean you stick those on them and er and er they wo n't be able to cut them down .
9 I said I wanted him to meet my Somerville friend , who , with a fellow-student , was by pre-arrangement sitting on an inner windowsill , from which with an air of spontaneity I was able to summon them down .
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