Example sentences of "together in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And so i i it 's the four organizations together , a and they have in fact come together in order to , to be able to put larger orders , and to pay in advance , so that people are able to budget .
2 Each holiday will be carefully researched and put together in conjunction with a reputable tour operator .
3 Britons tend to retain trust in the inhabitants of countries in which Britain has had or retains colonial interests ; countries that share a common language , values , and ( in some cases ) ancestry ; and countries that have stood together in times of crisis .
4 Yet despite its breakneck evolution , Medeva has been put together in pursuit of a definite strategic plan , and it looks as though the pharmaceutical world will become very familiar with it in years to come .
5 Most of us travel long distances by schedule or charter flights , cramped together in ranks of seats Where there is n't enough room to stretch out the' leg , let alone walk about as passengers on the Empire Flying-boat or Zeppelin observation platforms could .
6 These independent family groups come together in assemblies for such things as war , religion , and the settlement of disputes , but they do not really form an organic whole .
7 When we gather together in Church on christmas Day around the alter with the priest we are full of joy .
8 When we gather together in church on Christmas Day around the altar with the priest we are full of joy .
9 These can be clamped together in groups of various sizes , depending on the layout of the venue .
10 In March this year , the hotel moved on to TQM2 : Team Building , with three day seminars for managers and associates working together in groups of ten , all from different departments to further interdepartmental understanding .
11 Over the last three years , the Stattauto ( " car alternative " ) scheme has involved 1,800 German families , banding together in groups of up to 30 people each to buy a car , which is then rented out among the group at the rate of US$2 per hour — substantially cheaper than commercial rates .
12 A specific focus of the research is to study how children work together in groups with the computer .
13 The Bhundu Boys from Zimbabwe began playing together in celebration of their country 's independence 11 years ago .
14 THE inaugural service of the Churches Together in Shropshire in Shrewsbury Cathedral on Sunday , January 17 , will be truly representative of the Churches of Shropshire .
15 The processes of dispersion and suspension are often described together in texts under the description ‘ emulsifying action ’ .
16 In the early 1960s , however , changes within Northern Ireland were beginning to create a degree of common interest between Unionists and Nationalists in Derry , and they were brought closer together in resistance to the industrial and commercial decline of the city .
17 In his keynote speech , the Labour leader said it was an inspiration to see the party working together in support of its policy objectives .
18 Bush repeated on Oct. 24 the comparison of Iraqi President Saddam Hussain with Hitler and denounced the " rape of Kuwait " and Iraqi " crimes against humanity " , while at a rally on Oct. 30 ( campaigning in support of Republicans in the mid-term congressional elections on Nov. 6 ) he gave warnings of the possibility of a US military offensive , urging the US public to " stay together in support of our kids halfway around the world " .
19 Bush visited Japan on Jan. 7-10 and held several sessions of talks with the beleaguered Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa , when they agreed on a vaguely worded Tokyo Declaration which expressed the commitment of the two countries to work together in support of a new world order .
20 DEC perhaps captured the expectation best : ‘ Do you think he could buy himself a plane ticket and go on a personal tour of all of us — IBM , Hewlett-Packard , Sun Microsystems Inc , DEC — and bring us together in kind of an Open Software Foundation II with all of the chief executives on the same dais saying the past is behind us ? ’
21 That it 's unnatural for people to be tied up together in families for years and years .
22 They are themselves helical , with a pitch that decreases uniformally towards the outside , and they are torsion structures held together in part at least by forces generated by the attempts of individual bacteria to untwist .
23 conscious … that their peoples have been living together in peace since 1945 ;
24 As unmarried young women , Virginia and Vanessa Stephen rented a house together in Sussex for weekends and holidays .
25 The mist was so thick that the only colours were shades of black and white which were smudged and merged together in wisps of vapour .
26 An extraordinary gathering , ‘ the International Forum for a Nuclear-Free World , for the Survival of Humankind ’ , brought West German Greens , clerics , Academician Sakharov and Western film stars such as Gregory Peck and Claudia Cardinale together in Moscow in February 1987 .
27 The two girls are close friends and practised together in preparation for this tournament .
28 As mentioned in this column last month , committees of the South African Rugby Board and the South African Rugby Union have already begun working informally together in preparation for the coming rugby season .
29 I think erm many men have changed their attitudes erm towards women , particularly since erm men and women were educated together in colleges in their further education , because they 've shared their life together before marrying , before having children , and I think young men have become much more erm domesticated , if you like , I think that 's the only way to say it .
30 The forum 's initiative to achieve this culminates this year in the 1993 IT Summit , billed as the biggest such gathering ever put together in Scotland with the participation of almost 100 organisations and 65 speakers from across the world , which takes place in Glasgow on 22–24 June .
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