Example sentences of "together and [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We all travel together , eat together and stay together .
2 Clicking his heels together and bowing slightly , Tim — or Tiger Tim as his pals dubbed him — would formally introduce himself and his sniggering friends .
3 But she pressed her lips tightly together and rode steadily on .
4 1 A group of words frequently found together and producing collectively a meaning not apparent from the meaning of each component part of the group ( Ridout and Clarke 1970 ) .
5 It was 115 degrees , and the water melons began to pop , and the donkeys began to do what donkeys do , and it all mixed together and ran all over the parking lot .
6 The preacher held his hands together and looking skywards said , ‘ Forgive them Lord , for they know not what they do . ’
7 ‘ Bill Mishkin , ’ says Bill Saltman , ‘ is a simple Russian boy from way out in the sticks who went through law school and inherited a couple of million from his uncle in the garment trade and could n't add two and two together and get more than four . ’
8 She pressed her lips together and looked away .
9 After a while Aunt Louise retired and our visitor tidied his papers together and looked across at me .
10 We 've just got to pull ourselves together and stick together and we can pull out of this .
11 And and receiving together and eating together .
12 All nuclei consist of neutrons and protons , and it is the rearrangement of those constituents when nuclei come together and break apart that releases energy .
13 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
14 I must say when I read that in 's letter , I did n't read that specific erm comment , I read something , something much much wider really , that , that really I felt that what she was saying was you know that when , when there is a group , then readers er musicians , everybody else reflect together and come together before they actually , you know , they do n't all operate the same but they come together and they reflect together on what the , the theme is , or you know , what was the main point of the readings .
15 Cath 's just put a few things together and thought well I may as well let you , you know , she may as well let you know what the things she 's put in
16 There must be hundreds of passengers who go out together and return separately .
17 Not enclosing any part into a particular hand , but all as one man , working together and feeding together as sons of one father , members of one family …
18 But it was the first time these five principles had been drawn together and proclaimed specifically for the Gulf .
19 Given the wide range in dates represented by the fragments ; the fact that no two have yet been found to fit together and vary considerably in size ; and the lack of any signs of wreckage ; the current hypothesis is that the statues were already broken when they were loaded into the transport ship to be taken for re-use elsewhere .
20 So in that sense er very unlikely you would get a an apprentice squad that served their time together and went right on through to retirement age or whatever .
21 Then I told myself that it was the state I was in and somehow I pulled myself together and came home . ’
22 It accounts for Paul 's repeated call to the Christians at Philippi to pull together and stand together ( Phil .
23 The scattered crowd drew closer together and listened quietly , but when he gave his warning about the Riot Act , glances were exchanged , a few grinned openly , and a wit called out , ‘ They must know the law here — that is why they have all stayed at home . ’
24 She stood with her hands clasped tightly together and stared frantically at the curtain rail , her face racked with pain .
25 They huddled together and stared apprehensively into the darkness .
26 ‘ Not for a measly fifty , ’ William laughs , as he and Andy pull together and draw together , tottering on the seat while Andy throws the emptied bottle to someone in the crowd and is handed another full magnum by his partner in The Gadget Shop , a fellow ex-ad-man who 's a few years older than Andy .
27 All the documents should be filed together and stored securely and accessibly .
28 Together with the right kind of support we could have fun together and achieve so much for ourselves and our diocese .
29 When she saw Meredith she said , ‘ Oh , hi ! ’ slurring the two syllables together and smiling uncertainly .
30 If institutions are funded from the same general purse , on the whole they mesh together and work easily together .
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