Example sentences of "together [prep] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure you will not miss the significance of Gabellah and Alec Smith standing publicly together for MRA at our assembly .
2 The couple were also together last night hosting a private Christmas get together for staff at Kensington Palace .
3 Club together with others at your yard and buy wormers in bulk at a cheaper rate .
4 Discussions with the authority 's principal library organizer and his colleagues , together with discussions at local area and school level , showed that the professional librarians already on the strength of most of the ILEA secondary schools would be quite competent and also sufficiently willing to organize and administer school collections of audio.visual and other resources , as well as the print.form items with which they were already associated .
5 Visits were made to fifty villages throughout the two provinces and included interviews with school teachers , village heads and local craftsmen together with personnel at craft stores and co-operatives , and a very large number of other individuals and groups such as parents , prospective employers and education personnel .
6 The excitement of a group of horses galloping together with hounds at heel would be just as intense .
7 Miss T. was admitted to the ward at 6.10 a.m. and given 50 mg. of pethidine together with antibiotics at 6.55 a.m .
8 Together with Perpignan at the Mediterranean end , Pau is one of only two large towns in the Pyrenees : a departmental capital and a university town .
9 The period of perestroika under Gorbachev revealed widespread criticism of the lack of control and supervision over the party and government bureaucracies , together with resentment at their ostentatious privileges .
10 The truth began to be known only when returned veterans started to piece the story together from hearsay at home and to voice their fears to Congressmen .
11 They are themselves helical , with a pitch that decreases uniformally towards the outside , and they are torsion structures held together in part at least by forces generated by the attempts of individual bacteria to untwist .
12 By February 1795 three Pantisocratic brothers — Coleridge , Southey , and George Burnett — were settled together in lodgings at 25 College Street , Bristol , very close to the cathedral , and to Southey 's Aunt Tyler .
13 After she died in Eastertide 1980 at the age of seventy-eight , I found in her desk a handwritten letter to our three children , which she put together in Jerusalem at the repeated request of Rachel , our elder daughter .
14 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
15 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
16 The works of Metzinger , Gleizes and Le Fauconnier had been hung together by chance at the Salon d'Automne of 1910 , but the common characteristics which the critics saw in their styles , and the excitement expressed by the poets and authors at Mercereau 's and at the Closerie des Lilas over the possibilities of a new school of painting , seem to have made the painters aware of each other ; Apollinaire and Salmon in particular , although both were in many ways insensitive to painting , realized that Picasso 's latest style contained the elements of a new art , and felt that the work of several other painters was evolving in a similar direction .
17 He has written about his experiences in the respected twice-yearly Darlington Postgraduate Journal which is put together by doctors at the Memorial Hospital .
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