Example sentences of "political [noun pl] of his " in BNC.

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1 The determination and remarkable technical expertise of Lord Cockfield and the dynamism and tough political skills of his successor , Martin Bangemann , have been crucial in the implementation of the programme .
2 The Kaluga committee included three one-time Decembrists and a member of the Petrashevskii circle , none of whom had abjured the political opinions of his youth .
3 In the autumn of 1936 Franco set about preparing the political foundations of his " New State " , in anticipation of what he thought was his imminent entry to Madrid .
4 The urgency which imbued the comings and goings of the party men and , particularly , the rapidity with which Franco acted in the week following the San Sebastian meetings , certainly suggest that there existed a serious potential threat to the latter 's military and political plans , emanating from the political sectors of his own camp .
5 The failure of Gladstone 's second ministry is partly due to the Disraelian legacy , and partly a result of Gladstone 's reaction to the new political circumstances of his return .
6 He reiterated the major points made in his ‘ Notes of An Economist ’ — of which more later — but also sketched out the political implications of his earlier essay .
7 After speaking for some 40 minutes , Shamir set aside his prepared text and proposed a motion that the central committee approve the political contents of his speech and express confidence in him as Likud chairman and Prime Minister .
8 Political success was due to him because of an exceptional intelligence and independence of mind which resolutely refuses to be subservient to the political mandarins of his party .
9 To the still ardent John Kemp the old Don is a romantic figure , while Don Baltasar for his part dreams of England as a glamorous country , free from the political pressures of his own adopted land .
10 The er the honourable gentleman might well have seen a copy of the er the provisional report which has been prepared but that provisional report is er the same basis as the report er which was presented to er Westminster city council er and then we were n't talking er a difficulty of er two million pounds created , created as a direct result of government under funding of the police authority there , we were talking about the expropriation of millions of pounds to line the pockets and to further the political interests of his party and I did notice the honourable gentleman er vociferous in his condemnation of Westminster city council or any of the other tory controlled city councils .
11 In time he was to meet and correspond with the most prominent political leaders of his nation , and become a trusted adviser to them .
12 This ‘ black day ’ , as he later called it , convinced the neutral ( and strongly socialist ) Barth that not only the political ideals of his teachers , but their underlying theology too , could have no future .
13 But otherwise , Poulantzas ' assertion is bizarre ; the social and political consequences of his hypothetical periodic interchange of classes ( e.g. in terms of the constitution of political parties and their constituencies ) would be incalculable , and certainly ‘ fundamental ’ .
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