Example sentences of "political [noun sg] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When a woman is politically involved , the decision to have or not have a child becomes a political decision as well and not just a question of personal wishes .
2 Rather than seeing political struggle as ultimately reflecting class struggle , the liberal tradition credits the leading actors in the historical drama with an independence and causative importance of their own .
3 We want to know what her paintings are about — how images of Penelope , Cornelia Mother of the Gracchi , Cleopatra , Andromache and many others were being used to explore the possibility of representing women 's intellect , courage , political judgement as well as their passions , pride or grief in that contradictory and fluid moment of western European history .
4 Also , it has somewhat different political perspectives in terms of a ‘ persistent leftism ’ ( Adams , 1983 ) rather than pragmatic reformism , and is more committed to direct political action than elsewhere .
5 In addition to the adverse economic effect , the trend in which the single market programme is moving will have a serious political effect as well .
6 This also implies , as recognized by the community development activists of the 1970s and their inheritors the ‘ local socialists ’ , that poverty is a political condition as much if not more than a social or economic one .
7 He said he had worked out his political philosophy while still a student : a belief in the free market , small business , and individual freedom through expansion of home ownership , and a commitment to the European Community .
8 There was overt political work as well , again in accordance with Newman and his associates , who , by the mid-1970s , formed their own grandly named International Workers Party , its leadership indistinguishable from the social therapy collective .
9 Many commentators interpreted his decision to run for the council as a means of preserving his extensive political machine while also providing a platform within the city government from which he could launch a future mayoral bid .
10 Er and this of course er became er er a major domestic political crisis as well a difficult military situation , a difficult one to win .
11 The Uighurs are the predominant people in Xinjiang , where they maintain their own political leadership as well as their own language .
12 In view of the diversity of the environment , the variations in cultural , social and political organisation as well as rapid population growth , there is an overwhelming need for development and management plans that are practicable at a local level , are politically acceptable to all Himalayan nations and are equally beneficial to those extra-Himalayan regions that are affected by intra-Himalayan policies .
13 Such moral cowardice stems from a refusal to comprehend poverty as a moral or political isue as well as a social one . ’
14 But of course limits are self imposed , they depend very much upon political will as well as upon resources .
15 Past experience in Germany and other countries in the inter-war years suggests that hyper-inflation can ultimately lead to the collapse of the economic and political system as well .
16 But this second mutation of Christianity was the work more of a change in the nature of the Roman world itself , its social and its political structure as well as its intellectual assumptions and its culture , than of anything we might call ‘ the impact of the barbarians ’ on it .
17 But real people in ordinary politics act within a political structure as well as on it .
18 When this response affects others and brings about a clash of interests — and it usually does except in areas of extreme remoteness and low population density — it becomes a political phenomenon as well .
19 Er well er a l a lot of my time has been spent in another context er as Secretary of er Residents Against the Motorway which is er an all-party thing er but we 've er we 've also taken some action as er a political party as well in that er fairly early on sixth of July ninety two er we we wrote to er Nick Harvey who is er MP who is our Transport Spokesman er and we gave him some er initial details er of the scheme er to which he er replied erm reminding us of what we knew already which was the Lib Dems ' transport pali policy in application to roads .
20 For a long time they treated the question of political power as wholly subordinate to the social struggle .
21 Founded in 1937 by Erica Fiah , African trader and leader of the African Welfare and Commercial Association , the paper was initially a platform for that Association , and Fiah told his readers that effective improvement for Africans required them to have political power as well as economic and educational advancement .
22 This assumption of political power as well as military command represented little short of a coup by Franco and a group of military and civilian supporters , mostly of monarchist sympathies ; within days Franco had quietly promoted himself to ‘ Head of State ’ , a title he was to retain until his death 39 years later .
23 Thus the capitalists have economic power , controlling and exploiting the worker , and this also gives them political power as well .
24 The United States Congress , in particular , may exercise very real political power if only because , were its formal weapons against the executive to be blunted there would be the important so-called ‘ law of anticipated reactions ’ to consider .
25 Here we need to pay attention to two aspects : first , the obstacles which have been placed , and are continually placed , in the way of such participation in practice ; and second , the reinterpretations of democracy , within political sociology as well as in political doctrines , which seek deliberately to restrict its scope .
26 So deliver them it does , in a political forum as intensely commercial as any private-sector marketplace .
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