Example sentences of "political [noun] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Stateless societies ’ have existed , in which political conflicts and decisions are bound up with kinship relations , or with religious conceptions and rituals , and all or most adult members of society may participate in these activities , without any specialized group of people being able to claim a particular responsibility for carrying them on .
2 At the beginning of this chapter I noted how the distinctions made between political systems often emerged from current political conflicts and preoccupations , and this feature is very much in evidence in the political sociology of recent decades .
3 THE Dalai Lama , accepting the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday , warned he is reconsidering proposals to China to end the 40-year political struggle and occupation of his Himalayan homeland , Tibet .
4 Sometimes , however , the media can not be so easily deployed by political actors and the media may , in consequence , exert an indeterminate and sometimes capricious effect on the doings of political institutions and actors .
5 It also implied , however , a further difference from the earlier studies of societies concentrating on political institutions and laws .
6 There is thus a clear case for reform and change , more or less radical according to different diagnoses , in the very area of political institutions and conventions where the principle of democracy is allowed and claimed to be operative .
7 On that model , the use of the market for the allocation of investment goods , the toleration of any private ownership of the means of production , and the persistence of liberal democratic political institutions and conventions are all seen as features of capitalist societies , not of socialist ones .
8 The range of political institutions and objectives is well discussed , although one could have wished for more emphasis to be placed on European Community matters and where they may lead us .
9 Political experience and change of attitude
10 Their attempts to take control of the legislature were foiled , however , when Rex , using all of his political experience and powers of patronage , induced four opposition legislators to defect to the government benches .
11 From 1913 to 1918 she was secretary of the Women 's Labour League , and strongly defended the need for separate women 's political organizations , at least until women had acquired political experience and maturity comparable with that of men .
12 Some emergency regulations restricting political meetings and propaganda were relaxed ( except in the northern and eastern provinces ) with effect from March 29 , so that campaigning could proceed for the May 11 local elections in seven provinces .
13 Chairman , er I do n't often disagree with er Mr in front of me there , but I have been consistent in my approach over the years , er , wherever I 've had the had the opportunity to speak at political meetings and ministers have been present .
14 In both countries , the nature of managerial autonomy and the existence of an internal organizational structure and interests poses problems of transmission which the state has attempted to solve by a variety of overlapping mechanisms : statutory and financial frameworks , the invocation of market forces , the creation of political pressures , political bargaining and exchange , and direct intervention .
15 These configurations reflected shifting alliances among the various political groups and figures [ for the earlier emergence of likely candidates and their background see p. 38728 ] .
16 Weber 's view of parties suggests that the relationship between political groups and class and status groups is far from clear cut .
17 If political groups and parties atrophy into a façade behind which there hides nothing but the power struggles of bureaucrats in the party apparatus , then a pluralist , democratic society will be transformed into a mass of isolated individuals whose political thinking is uniformly directed by the mass media …
18 The formation of the JPDUP followed the return to Jordan in September of PFLP leader George Habash to attend a meeting of radical Arab political groups and parties [ see p. 37728 ] .
19 During a 24-hour visit to Argentina on March 2-3 , 1990 , President Virgilio Barco of Colombia and Menem signed a joint declaration setting up a ministerial commission for political co-ordination and integration .
20 The Revenue nowadays liaises closely with the Commission on such matters and , in the absence of any other information , is likely to conclude that the organisation carries on other activities which are not strictly defined as charitable , eg political lobbying and campaigning etc .
21 But there is also a wide variety of technologically quite unsophisticated social systems in which social stratification , political subordination and class exploitation are linked to the kinsman/non-kinsman distinction .
22 The reader knows enough about the political skills and sophistication of the Zuwaya and their rivals to resist the perhaps supercilious stereotype contained in Le Monde 's use of ‘ tribe ’ : the people far from backward or atavistic , the demand for bloodwealth ( whoever made it ) contested rather than misunderstood ; it opposed one particular notion of government with another .
23 However , securing organizational change and a move to more entrepreneurial strategies demanded more than ever political skills and access to political resources , and this led to a reversion to earlier patterns with the appointment in 1985 of a chairman closely linked to the PSOE .
24 Similar conflicts arise in the case of regional development policy , which again is important in countries such as Italy , Spain , France and Britain for maintaining bases of political support and consensus .
25 Political Change and Conflict
26 This preliminary discussion suggests a number of distinctions which are indispensable for a more profound analysis of the processes of political change and conflict .
27 Orlando Azcué was one of 12 political prisoners in Combinado del Este Prison in Havana who signed a letter dated 1 January 1991 , calling for peaceful political change and respect for human rights , that was smuggled out of the prison .
28 It encompasses a great diversity of questions around film as a signifying practice , as a locus of pleasure and entertainment , and as an instrument of dominant ideology , or , conversely , as a tool for political resistance and subversion .
29 Many forms of political resistance and consciousness , feminist , gay , ecological and pacifist , have developed outside of party politics , and have developed analyses and strategies which go beyond traditional class politics .
30 The timing of the political programme was significantly different in Britain and Spain , however , reflecting the different ways in which economic forces have become translated into political strategies and ideologies in the two countries .
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