Example sentences of "later when [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Despite Kipling 's dictum that " Never the twain shall meet " , the East had reached out and touched the West with a premonition , perhaps , of the planetary holism which was to grip our minds less than a century later when we walked on the moon , looked back , and for the first time saw the whole earth rising as a single bubble of life .
2 Later when we quizzed British Airways about why they flew in when the war had started we were just stone-walled . ’
3 It was slightly over a year later when we felt that conditions were suitable for another attempt .
4 Three weeks later when we had a stop-off at the same place , the bust had gone .
5 Then later , couple of months later when we found that list checked that we understood what the list meant and we presented that list to our church meeting .
6 I think it probably bothered me later when we started getting a bit bigger . ’
7 And she helped again later when we moved to Paris .
8 It was a good ten minutes later when they seemed to come to the last of The Courts , for the houses dropped down to two-storey , then one-storey ; and then they were confronted by an iron open-work gate set in a brick wall all of seven feet high .
9 It was two hours later when they returned to Leitzig 's office .
10 It was four hours later when they woke to find him at the foot of the bed saying : ‘ I 've got a gun and I 'm going to shoot you . ’
11 Thomas 's wails subsided and , a quarter of an hour later when they came back out on to the terrace , he was clean , his dark curls had been brushed and he wore a fresh shirt and shorts .
12 It was revived four years later when they ran into each other again in the unromantic setting of a Greenwich Village laundromat .
13 just to prove it was no fluke Bucks went and did it again moments later when they ran out Nixon …
14 Thistle stunned Ibrox a minute later when they snatched the lead .
15 With the 401st Bomb Group continuing their dials missions , a brief respite cam e to Dan and his crew as Mary Alice underwent repairs , until just even days later when they flew to the marshalling yards south of Paris on June 4 .
16 He got to know them well : years later when they appeared suddenly he could remember who they were .
17 ‘ They kept the fighting till later when they sat on the management-union joint negotiation committee .
18 Nevertheless nerves were still frayed half-an-hour later when they pulled into the Scratchwood service area .
19 Then later when they started coming home his real concern was counting them in , and it was in this period that these pleasant and very charming visitors frequently wanted to get nearer to the operational scene .
20 But he had cause to revise his opinion a moment later when they opened the door and went in .
21 It 's claimed the pair then escaped to Streetshome at Lexton House in Middleton Cheney , but both were found out two days later when they attempted to buy antiques and jewellery with used notes which had been marked .
22 He was joined by Peter Sheppard a few years later when it became apparent that so much information was potentially available from flight recorders that it needed another man to help interpret all the data .
23 A few weeks later when it came to the 1985 Budget , Nigel set himself the same goal .
24 This possibility was confirmed some months later when I received a letter from the mother of one of the men in Leslie 's ‘ stick , ( as a unit of paratroops dropped together from one aircraft was called ) .
25 And barn owls are very inquisitive , as I discovered later when I began to take Dawn out into the fields .
26 I met him two or three years later when I asked if he would make me a dress for the March of Dimes , using some peony pink silk that Winston brought back from China .
27 Years later when I became a painter , many of my subjects were Biblical .
28 Years later when I became chairman of the medical missions of SPG , I realised how in mission hospitals all over the world , the same devoted healing mission was being carried on , which spoke much more eloquently of divine and human love than the preaching of less qualified friends like myself .
29 Amitha : Yes , and later when I came out as lesbian , suspicious of me too .
30 ‘ Childbirth ’ our local priest called it , but I did n't really understand what he was on about until several years later when I came up against the problem again .
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