Example sentences of "later it [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Days later it is revealed a tape of a phone call between Diana and her friend James Gilbey exists in which Gilbey calls the Princess ‘ Squidgy ’ and expresses his love for her .
2 Years later it is discovered that Grom reached the Elven Kingdoms of Ulthuan , causing great destruction until finally defeated by the High Elves .
3 In one argument it is pronouncing that huntsmen are having fun , while five sentences later it is saying they are cruel and wicked .
4 It began as a homebased outfit called Lentils For Dubrovnik , but ten lorryloads later it 's become a highly sophisticated collection and distribution network … and it 's threatening to engulf the organisation .
5 And I 'll tell you , sooner or later it 's going to occur to someone you could be useful ; useful enough to make it worthwhile taking out that dog .
6 man I think sooner or later it 's gon na become law in this country that we
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