Example sentences of "want [to-vb] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want to see what 's round the next corner . ’
2 I want to see what 's going on . ’
3 I want to see what 's outside in the car . ’
4 I want to see what 's inside it . ’
5 Horses love to canter up hills : they want to see what is beyond .
6 If the adventurers want to see what is going on in the Black Pit , all they have to do is rap twice in rapid succession with the rod upon the rail .
7 We want to see who is making most calls and how costs can be cut . ’
8 No , I just want to see who 's coming .
9 I want to see it 's bloody silly !
10 If you phone me up and say , Yes I want to come it 's all done .
11 What I want to find one is one without a well
12 ‘ I want to know what is going on in Birmingham , chapter and verse . ’
13 They want to know what is going on , and what the general wants them to do , and why , and when ; they want to see and decide in their own minds what sort of person he is .
14 If we want to know what is happening to the church we need to understand what is happening in the secular world at large .
15 ‘ I want to know what is behind this first , ’ he snapped , ‘ because for the life of me I can not understand why a man in his position should want to take up with the likes of you .
16 We are in a changing era ; more and more we have people who are unaware of these therapies , but equally want to know what is going on .
17 Just want to know what is beautiful ? , its only in the eye of the beholder , every body sees something different .
18 You want to know what is happening in a Third World trouble-spot .
19 But I want to know what is the matter .
20 The Northern has received telephone calls and letters from people who have contributed and want to know what is happening .
21 The Northern Echo has received a series of telephone calls and letters from people who have contributed and want to know what is happening .
22 When people are ringing about their relatives in the Gulf , er they just want to know what is the latest , are they coming out , this kind of thing .
23 ‘ So we want to know what 's happening . ’
24 ‘ But I just want to know what 's happening , that 's all . ’
25 I know they wish us well , and they 're both wise and reasonable people , they 're tactful — but naturally they 're inquisitive , they want to know what 's happening , and make judgments on it all — ’
26 That reminds me of the ghosts who really want to know what 's going on .
27 But I do n't think I want to know what 's going to happen to me .
28 And I want to know what 's wrong .
29 Those roses smell very iffy to me , and I want to know what 's going on . ’
30 ‘ They 're often full of humans who very seriously want to know what 's going on .
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