Example sentences of "less [conj] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of them was less than an inch away from his eye as he lay buckled up on the ground beneath the tree .
2 Just as Pearce 's wild and screaming face slammed against the glass on the other side , less than an inch from Cardiff ‘ s own .
3 ‘ You do n't want to marry me — ’ his hot mouth was less than an inch above her face as she stared resolutely at his dark red silk tie ‘ — but there 's something else you do want to do with me . ’
4 He had spent less than an hour in the Dragon and during that time he had succeeded in needling at least four men .
5 It was less than an hour from dusk , and we would have camped there had it been left to me .
6 The women began to congregate and we rose to greet each other , even though we 'd met at breakfast less than an hour ago .
7 They released their suggestions for revising the car tax less than an hour before Mr Lamont abolished it completely .
8 Siena is about nine miles south east and Florence less than an hour drive .
9 Katherine Lundy opened her son 's bedroom door less than an hour later , the bar of light fell across the sprawled figure of Patrick , the sheets rumpled and curled around him .
10 Before Delia Sutherland could make up her mind about how much to say , and to whom , she was forced into an explanation less than an hour after her return .
11 It was less than an hour since Chen had come from the singsong house ; not time enough for anyone to have discovered Liu Chang 's body , or for the girls to have undone their bonds .
12 By noon she was on the Brecon by-pass and , less than an hour later , was steering gingerly between the ruts on the rough and winding track to Hendre Gorfelen .
13 On the cooker to her right stood a frying pan the two women had used for their meal less than an hour ago .
14 Close-to and without their performance wigs , these two hardly seemed to connect with anyone that she 'd seen out on the stage less than an hour before ; then they 'd been all front , carnival vamps , not so much real human beings as fantasy figures with hidden human operators .
15 ‘ There are a couple of castles less than an hour 's drive away .
16 We were due to try out the show at Farnham , a 400-seater theatre , less than an hour from London .
17 Therefore she said , ‘ Less than an hour ago you stated that you will never marry Doreen .
18 Working on George 's local knowledge — his father 's home was less than an hour 's drive away — they planned to reach Miss Tuckey 's cottage at half past eight when the other committee members would have had time to digest and drive in from the countryside .
19 After tossing and turning for another while , Amiss fell into a deep sleep from which he was woken less than an hour and a half later by his alarm clock .
20 He had been waiting there since hearing from Bartocci , less than an hour earlier , that the kidnappers had been in touch and that the car would be leaving as soon as it got dark .
21 Her thoughts drifted back to Spike , the metal man , who had been killed less than an hour ago .
22 ‘ I spoke with Silvio less than an hour ago , Caroline . ’
23 Knowing her sister well , Fabia could only marvel then that when Barney was , by the sound of it , so desperately ill , Cara appeared to be making every effort to rise above the shocking news she had received less than an hour ago .
24 But when I drove to London to collect her as we 'd arranged , I found that she 'd had a phone call less than an hour previously to say that Barney was ill .
25 But police say the IRA message gave them less than an hour to respond .
26 THE widow of murdered Belfast hairdresser Sean Hughes today told how she had chatted with her husband in his shop less than an hour before he was killed .
27 ‘ If he had stabbed someone 17 times less than an hour before , which I do n't believe he did , he certainly showed not the slightest emotion . ’
28 and know you can do it in less than an hour , right to the bottom
29 Down less than an hour
30 An estate for life was less than an estate tail , and both were smaller than a fee simple .
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