Example sentences of "less [adj] [subord] he " in BNC.

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1 I think the show would have been less timid if he had sought out more of the artists in their 20s who nowadays keep coming up in mixed exhibitions in Liverpool , Birmingham , Leeds , Whitechapel and so on .
2 After the first success in the matter of Amy Larner , who was now comfortably situated with Dr Horrocks 's friends in Saxburgh , Edwin Frere found himself a little at a loss , for his parish proved less permeable than he had hoped to the motions of the spirit .
3 He is obviously less discreet than he used to be . ’
4 Thiercelin was somewhat less interested than he would have been a few days earlier .
5 There had been a lot of boys after that , and some women , but he found them less exciting than he used to .
6 Linguists not working within Labov 's general framework are often less careful than he is about candid recording .
7 You 'd never think it but McQuaid , like many of the others , was more or less illiterate though he could add and subtract quick enough when it concerned his pocket .
8 Even so , it took great nerve and daring to ride that wind for such a distance and it is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the balloon pioneers , yet it will be seen that those men and women who followed Sadler into the skies display , in their own way , no less daring than he .
9 He might have been rather less relieved if he could have read her mind .
10 Many were seeking to get out while they could , so many indeed that Ramsay feared that they must be seen by the blockading English ships lying off , for the July night was less dark than he could have wished .
11 One thinks immediately of the article in the Guardian in the run-up to the Budget claiming that ‘ a small whispering campaign has started that Mr Smith is not only less clever than he thinks , but less busy that he should be . ’
12 He was also tired and cold , and in between worrying that Prince Richard was lying at the bottom of the lake with a broken neck had been forced to entertain the idea that he himself might be less fit than he should be .
13 The only surprising thing was that it was all less irksome than he had imagined .
14 This morning Luke seemed even less human than he had at the interview when obviously she had caught him in an off moment .
15 The geneticist 's language is no more nor less metaphorical when he calls the gene selfish than when he depicts it as though itself working out the solutions in games theory by which he is explaining its survival .
16 The record of de Gaulle 's provisional government was a mixed one , in a sense both more creditable and less creditable than he himself suggested .
17 The judges may have seen him as less powerful than he once was .
18 All the time he talked he kept his hand on the bonnet , partly for reassurance — he was less confident than he seemed — and partly as a caress .
19 Although Stephen 's trips to the mills became less frequent as he appointed capable managers , the farms on the estate and the timber business still took a great deal of his life and Tamar found that time hung heavily .
20 There are several reasons for this ‘ regression towards the mean ’ ; it could be based on a genetic process , or it could be because a father ( mother ) who is above the mean in ability marries on average someone who is less able than he ( she ) , and so the child , reflecting the ability of both parents , is less able than the father ( mother ) .
21 Manne now acknowledges that this argument may be less persuasive than he initially thought : ‘ [ t ] hat kind of trading may have some impact , but we can not be sure a priori how much impact it will actually have , if it will have any at all . ’
22 1.9 In every case the onus lies on the defendant to prove that the plaintiff should have been wearing a seat belt and that his injuries would have been avoided or less severe if he had been .
23 The Earl of Argyll , Archibald Campbell , introduced him to many of the Scottish nobles , and he found some of them less objectionable than he 'd expected .
24 They were all worse-looking and less refined than him and some were revoltingly overweight .
25 ‘ Well ? ’ demands Tite , a little too sharply and Summerchild becomes rather less forthcoming than he had intended .
26 Julius seemed a lot less equable than he had been earlier .
27 Harry returned to his room shortly before midnight , feeling less drunk than he had latterly behaved .
28 In the end , de Gaulle 's margin of victory in the referendum of 28 October 1962 was less impressive than he had hoped for : only sixty-two per cent of those who voted approved the change .
29 With his teeth chattering , his mouth bleeding and his hair flattened to his skull he could not have looked less appealing as he presented himself at the front door .
30 He looked rather less plump than he felt now .
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