Example sentences of "times [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A World Apart is , ‘ despite ’ its author 's socialism , a ‘ deeply religious book ’ , in which she has at times the sense of ‘ a man talking to God ’ .
2 The former measurement is in terms of a value equal to twenty times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of the root-means square pressure of a sound to the reference pressure , which is normally taken to be two times ten to the minus five newtons per square metre , and the unit of measurement is on a uniform scale based upon ten times the logarithm to the base ten
3 The former measurement is in terms of a value equal to twenty times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of the root-means square pressure of a sound to the reference pressure , which is normally taken to be two times ten to the minus five newtons per square metre , and the unit of measurement is on a uniform scale based upon ten times the logarithm to the base ten
4 That is a scale of acidity and alkalinity based on 14 times the logarithm of the ratio of disassociated hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution measured in grams per litre .
5 At other times the man in charge of the relevant section or the local man might be a better choice .
6 It 's the time you shout at your boss and your colleagues because you 're sick of being taken for granted when you know you 've done three times the work of any man for half the recognition .
7 Holiday accommodation understandably experiences considerable wear and tear and at times the standard of decoration or furnishings may suffer or the operation of technical systems ( e.g. hot water ) may prove to be less than adequate .
8 For example , why do we not nowadays extensively see remedies causing ‘ more harm the larger the dose ’ ? after all the average dose from a tablet used today is approximately 50 times the dose of Hahnemann 's small granule .
9 The £100m spent by the tobacco industry on advertising is not three times the budget of the Health Promotion Agency .
10 So small an area of land was available in Barbados when it turned to sugar in the 1640s that land prices were pushed up to ten times the level at which it had been sold for growing tobacco .
11 And on price , think of it as a car that costs only twice that of conventional luxury cars instead of three times the level of BMW/Jaguar/Lexus that RR charges for it more potent models .
12 The 50p increase , almost eight times the level of inflation , sparked a wave of protest and accusations of a ‘ tax on the sick ’ and ‘ rationing by stealth ’ .
13 The 13 per cent increase , almost eight times the level of inflation , has been roundly condemned by doctors , nurses , pharmacists and opposition MPs .
14 And Bubbles — real name Patricia — died after accidentally taking twice the amount she should have done … and five times the level of a drug that was supposed to wean her off them , a Westminster inquest heard yesterday .
15 Jac Nasser , Ford 's European chief , claims that his firm has ‘ ten times the level of commitment that the Japanese transplants have . ’
16 However it does appear that consumers pay the final bill as retail prices are over four times the level of wholesale prices , which is double the equivalent mark-up in the US or Western Europe .
17 Briefly , their ‘ epidemic ’ model proposes that , from a stable endemic baseline , the number of new cases of heroin use ( incidence ) in a community increases rapidly for four years before peaking at ten times the level of initial endemic incidence in year five , and then dropping sharply to the previous endemic level during years six and seven ( see Figure 3.2 ) .
18 The plight of the Pakistani/Bangladeshi minority is particularly serious with unemployment rates almost three times the level of those among the white population .
19 This year 's spending of £6.5 million is four and a half times the level of two years ago .
20 ATBC 's use in Britain has increased to 30 times the level of 1987 .
21 Researchers have found fish there with 24 times the level of mercury considered safe by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) .
22 ESA director general Reimar Luest retorted that US government space spending per person remained more than 10 times the level in Europe , and that space could not be left to private sector R&D : industry talks in terms of 6 or 7 years , whereas in space the returns may take 30 years .
23 It is agreed that an appropriate vehicle for the transport of the plaintiff in the future is a vehicle called a Nissan Serena , the plaintiff claims for a cost of conversion of such a vehicle at six thousand , two hundred pounds , it would need to be renewed of course from time to time and allowances made for that , the defendant says that a firm called can convert the same vehicle for less than the tenth of the price , six hundred pounds , Mr says that such advantages , if any , of the conversion for which the plaintiff claims are so minimal that it can not possibly be right to spend ten times the money on achieving them .
24 In Wordperfect 's estimation the resellers usually make up to five times the money from installation and integration as from the actual product sale .
25 ( 4 ) Their factories looked naturally to the United States for resources , especially spare parts and at times the shortage of these resources made things very critical .
26 So if it 's got ten times the voltage , you 'll get ten ten times the current through .
27 Ian Scott , co-ordinator of its rural adult education project , said that at times the enthusiasm of the groups being taught had to be dampened : ‘ At the opening class of a course being run in Co Durham , the students frightened the tutor by demanding that there should be a march on County Hall .
28 The first few times the carabiniere on duty became impatient and tried to make him come out , but the only answer he got was that the prisoner was feeling extremely unwell and wanted please to be left alone .
29 Doubtless Williams is getting five times the salary of everyone else in the movie — but that 's fair : he 's playing five roles .
30 They recruit highly-paid expatriates and Mozambicans ; the latter earn up to twenty five times the salary of their colleagues in government service .
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