Example sentences of "problem is that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Usually the problem is that no one is really taking charge and telling the others exactly what to do .
2 One Serb said : ‘ The problem is that no one knows what will happen .
3 The problem is that no amount of self-knowledge can entirely express our full humanity , precisely because we are incomplete beings .
4 A further problem is that no one is quite sure exactly what defines health care and social care , since an individual 's progress in responding to treatment is often measured by an improvement in the performance of social care tasks and everyday activities .
5 As was stated in the foreword to this report , the basic problem is that no one wants gypsies around : ‘ all too often the settled community is concerned chiefly to persuade or even force , the gypsy families to move on . ’
6 A further problem is that a BAe takeover would strengthen German objections to Ferranti winning the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft since it would mean BAe gaining a disproportionately large share of the total project .
7 The problem is that a good gimmick is contagious — everyone in Hollywood gets it all at once , and then you get a rash of movies all suffering from the same big idea .
8 The problem is that a great many of such units are needed , far more than are being built , if the numbers of larger hospitals are to be reduced .
9 The central problem is that a political party is ill-equipped to debate policy or philosophy because unity , not intellectual openness , is its highest virtue .
10 An obvious problem is that a text is not made up of collections of sentences , but of sentences organised into a coherent whole .
11 The second problem is that a lax competition policy might be used by a member state as a substitute for trade policy or industrial policy , to protect domestic producers or to promote export sectors .
12 The main problem is that a dictionary is designed to be used by a human being , not a computer program .
13 My problem is that a great deal of business needs to be done , and I have to try to accommodate that business as well .
14 The first problem is that a graph of units is being layed over a continuum .
15 The problem is that a large number of environmental black spots inevitably fall within the public sector .
16 One problem is that a word may be loaded in a special way for some part of the sample , e.g. ‘ disabled ’ is a much more acceptable term than ‘ crippled ’ for those in such categories .
17 When planning if the problem is that the vice jaws foul the plane fence , the answer is simple .
18 The real problem is that the writers of such texts may make political difficulties within a department , or teach in ways difficult for students to understand .
19 He said yesterday : ‘ The problem is that the law is artificial .
20 The only problem is that the Dutch have not really been very good at the game since Dr Euwe retired .
21 The only problem is that the Soviet side insists there is nothing new .
22 But the problem is that the government wo n't allow my children to go to school .
23 Another problem is that the tests show practice effects ; that is , for the first day or so of testing , subjects ' performances improve greatly ( and so mask any daily rhythms ) as they are getting used to the tests and are developing their personal ways of tackling them .
24 The problem is that the second question can not be answered until Washington comes up with a consensus on the first .
25 Another problem is that the wildlife lobby is divided even over simple things like the future of old farm woodlands .
26 Even when the music 's good , ( Act 's first single was superb , the Age of Chance LP was surprisingly listenable ) the problem is that the pop schemers have made MASS POPULAR SUCCESS such an integral part of the product .
27 ‘ The problem is that the missing person was going to marry a junior Treasury Minister . ’
28 A more fundamental problem is that the agency is being asked by Congress to do two diametrically opposed things .
29 The movie is ambitious in its mix of fantasy and realism , and there 's a sustained central performance from Iain Glen , but the big problem is that the subject himself is not fascinating in the way the Krays were .
30 Another problem is that the rain has advanced many crops , telescoping the harvest , he explains .
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