Example sentences of "problem [be] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 And the problem is that its effect on the neighbours — within a radius of miles , given the capability of modern sound systems — is severely damaging .
2 Labour 's problem is that its core constituency in the manual working class has steadily declined over the years .
3 The problem is that its counts and measurements are almost the same as those of melanurum , and , as taxonomists ( at least until recently ) worked only on dead , usually discoloured preserved specimens , it was counts and measurements that were the critical factors .
4 IBM Corp 's personal computer business was around the break-even level or may have been profitable in the first three months of this year , the president of IBM Personal Computer Co Robert Corrigan told the New York Times : he says he thinks ‘ people will be surprised at how quickly we 're bringing this business back , ’ and that it should be solidly profitable before year-end ; problem is that its closest rivals , Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp , which both faced the same problems as IBM , adjusted to the change in the market much more quickly , and rushed appropriate machines out while IBM procrastinated , so that they are already strongly profitable while IBM is still having to build up momentum .
5 Noblenet 's problem is that its major competitor , Boulder , Colorado-based Netwise Inc has already mopped up most of the potential outlets with its RPC-Toolkit offering .
6 The problem is that their ‘ product ’ — primarily concerts — can not attract enough box office income to cover their overheads .
7 Q My problem is that my hair falls out all the time .
8 The problem is that our managerial hierarchies are so badly designed as to defeat the best efforts even of psychologically insightful individuals .
9 The problem is that our manufacturing sector is shrinking .
10 Now , our pivotal problem is that our appetite to consume is about to exceed our total capacity to produce .
11 ‘ He has a history of high blood-pressure and an added problem is that his stage show is quite physical .
12 The biggest problem was that their whole philosophy and culture seemed alien .
13 The only problem was that my present wife , Isabella Rossellini , also insisted I come to lessons with our daughter , to make sure she was happy .
14 I suppose the problem was that my interest in birds had made me a bit of a loner .
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