Example sentences of "problem that have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Prof Griffin said motion sickness was a widespread and ‘ often humiliating ’ problem that had been neglected by scientists .
2 The issue was sexual not physical abuse — a problem that had been gaining momentum in terms of recognition and response throughout the 1980s — and it also concerned not just one child tragedy but many .
3 Rose Mundy told me of her continual battle with overweight thighs , a problem that had been with her for as long as she could remember .
4 First of all , there was the problem that had been at the root of France 's defeat in 1940 — the decay of the republican state , which had been so powerfully symbolized by the Third Republic 's abdication to Pétain in July 1940 .
5 One way round this problem that has been suggested is to complement our village-centred studies of micro-process with studies of institutional or bureaucratic micro-process ; to do , for example , ethnographies of the planners as well as the planned , and so to build up a composite picture of the social realities of people in different social niches .
6 Further consideration is recommended on the subject of removing tax disadvantages that arise on disincorporation , a problem that has been highlighted on several previous occasions .
7 By far the most important problem that has been selected as providing the push into the invention of crime has been thwarted conventional ambitions — Merton 's ( 1938 ) ‘ anomie ’ theory and the ‘ delinquent subculture ’ theories of Cohen ( 1955 ) and Cloward and Ohlin ( 1960 ) being the most influential examples .
8 raises yet again a problem that has been before the Court of Appeal on a number of occasions over the past 10 years or so .
9 The Recommendations look to the future and describe what the author of the report thinks should be done about the problem that has been the subject of so much investigation .
10 The few localized investigations of the problem that have been carried out have shown that second home owners do not make an entirely negative contribution to the areas in which they purchase their property .
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