Example sentences of "since i [vb past] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ever since I left theatre school I 've done my best to get away from all that sort of thing . ’
2 I have n't had a job since I left university .
3 ‘ I have n't looked at them since I left university .
4 ‘ I 've been working in a hotel since I left school — up until the flood that was .
5 Since I left school , at sixteen . ’
6 This whole process gave my life an additional fullness which has gone on gathering momentum since I left school .
7 You might say " I am no artist " , or " I ca n't draw a straight line " , or " I have n't drawn or painted since I left school . " .
8 I used to smoke at school , but I do n't smoke now , I 've not smoked since I left school !
9 I 've grown up since I left school .
10 I mean , I did get work at his mill in the summer of ‘ forty I 'd been on t'dole for four years , since I left school — but he went into the RAF not long after , and I did n't see him again till late ‘ forty-six .
11 ROBBIE Ah well , that 's something I 've learned since I left school .
12 Since I since I left school and I was able to afford my own clothes and I knew that erm a responsibility for my own clothing was on my my own shoulders , it has never bothered me since , for myself .
13 Anyway I 've been here twenty years — since I left school , and Edwin Garland was my uncle by marriage . ’
14 My parents are both dead , and I 've worked since I left school , at one thing and another .
15 ‘ Er — since I left school , ’ she replied , and felt hot all over in case he wanted a run-down on her work experience in the world of journalism .
16 I mean you do n't see any school chu , I mean I have n't seen hardly any the odd one or two since I left school all those years ago .
17 The only thing that 's good that 's happened since I left school is I 'm five pounds richer .
18 ‘ It 's eighteen years since I met Prince Charming .
19 This entry , entitled Gravesend Quotes , has appeared since I installed Quote For The Day , so it 's a safe bet that it 's storing information for that program .
20 But I 've dreamed since you came here , since I began work on you .
21 ‘ It is a site of which I have heard strange things since I came north , ’ said Creggan , ‘ where the eagles are in decline and their powers going .
22 It is some time since I heard news of him .
23 You and I , therefore , must work harder , especially you , as I have felt no evidence of your considerable weight since I took office .
24 I have referred to enforcement more than once already since I became president , and I should like to leave the Institute 's ethical support services for another occasion .
25 ‘ It 's years since I had porridge — I think .
26 It 's just since I had Donna that things have been different for me .
27 Well I have been slimming constantly since I had Jade cos
28 In Vienna , of course … my only conclusive recourse was to leave the city , which could not be arranged as quickly as I would have liked since I had army business there which demanded my attendance .
29 Fosdyke was all alone , had been for a few days since I had dinner with him in fact . ’
30 It 's two months since I tasted child meat . ’
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