Example sentences of "about [num] [num] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The population of Northern Ireland is about 1.5 million which is less than the larger units of local government in England or the Strathclyde region in Scotland .
2 I 'm , I 'm available about eleven fifteen my Lord
3 About nineteen six I think .
4 He 'd come here just about nineteen fifty something .
5 Erm so the , the procedure then was er in the early part of this century , most important er amendment , whose number I 've forgotten , but in about nineteen twelve I think it was er a , an amendment was passed which added to the powers of the federal government the right to levy an income tax er and er that transformed the relationship between the federal government and the states because the erm potential revenues to be derived from income tax are huge .
6 Non-existent until about I should n't think there was an a bus did come to the bottom of Road , I ca n't remember what was , it must have been about nineteen twenty I suppose something like that , it used to go to the bottom of Road and turn round there , but I never er my mother always used to say you 'd ruin the trade , the trade down well I do n't believe it did really er now I think the lack of transport now you 've hit something there , lack of transport there encouraged people to shop in Green rather to go down the town cos you could get anything off Green you know , you just think you 'd ju you , you smiled about the er butcher 's shops , the grocer 's shops , the cake shops , you could get the gents , you could get anything on Green the ironmonger shop , you need n't go anywhere else but , when they started transport er yes I think the buses had quite a bit gradually cos things that , you do n't think get things happening in this country overnight I mean , they grow on you do n't they ?
7 Well , about seventy five I had at 's .
8 five from about seventy three whatever .
9 Well she was seventy since we came here , on our second year , so she 'll be about seventy three I think , her birthday I think 's in er November or something , she 'll be about seventy three will Eileen , let's see , Uncle Jim was seven when I was born , so he , I 'm sixty six next so he will be seventy three , I 'm sure , oh no well that 's right int it ?
10 Oh , dear he 's been dead , ten it must of been the ten , this is eighty two , seventy two , about sixty five I should think about sixty five
11 It 's quite good , about sixty nine I think ,
12 about ten thirty what time 's he coming in tonight ?
13 No not really , no I , I 'm hale and hearty erm there is no history of illness in my family , my father , my grandfather lived till he was about eighty four I 've never really given it much thought .
14 We are one of about three hundred Amnesty groups in the country , probably about this size , perhaps , well were , were , I mean this , this group is probably about an average for the , you know , the groups in the country , some are smaller , some are much larger , but er , usually it 's about a dozen or so people meeting once a month or , or that often in a room , erm , but apart from groups there are a l there are a great many more people who are called individual members of Amnesty about eighty thousand I think now who are , who just joined by writing to headquarters and many of those have no contact with the groups at all , we 've had list of the people in this area and they run into hundred and fifty , two hundred people who live in this area who er , who belong , who , who belong to Amnesty but do n't actually come to a group except for a small number of us .
15 Just put it with the you know , about eighty thousands I 've got !
16 We we it 's it 's always difficult in January to say how many people are going to be there to take part , but we last year it was about about five hundred I think .
17 And felt tip pens I mean there 's about five five lots in different colours .
18 About twenty three she would of said
19 The thing is you 've got to it 's it 's like Nigel , I mean , he works for my uncle erm and he had the other guy Mark working for him for a few years and then he employed Nigel , but Mark was n't a fully qualified plumber and Nigel was and he 's ooh I do n't know about I think he 's about nineteen or no he 's about twenty three I think , yeah
20 Probably about twenty three I think .
21 The average age was about twenty three I think .
22 It is true we did increase the pupil to teacher ratio to one to thirteen in line with the F E er guidelines and that of course did provide some extra nursery places but last year we did put in real resources and actually increased the number of nursery places by about four hundred which involved the development of several new nursery classes , so it is completely untrue to say that the Conservatives attempted to increase nursery education on the cheap .
23 When crossing by boat from West Loch Tarbert to Port Ellen on one of my early Journeys to Islay I was talking with an elderly minister who was coming to visit a crofter brother who was ill , and during our conversation said that it appeared to me that for a small island with a population of about four thousand it had produced an unusually large proportion of ministers , ship captains , marine engineers and doctors and asked him why he thought that was so .
24 But I think the pre er well not the present A nine but the A nine that was there before they made the new one , it was made about eighteen thirty I think .
25 It 's among the first of about thirty thousand which are being built in Britain .
26 He 's about thirty three I think .
27 So anyway er I mean being a keen motorcyclist I borrowed a Moto Guzzi last year , you know a big V twin , beautiful bike , I went up into Derbyshire and had a you know ride on it , and thought well that 's not bad , see I 've always had British bikes , and I think I might g I might get one of those , so I came back in the house put the helmet down and said hey that Guzzi 's not bad , I could get a decent one for about two thousand you know about nineteen eighty , you know nice Le Mans Two .
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