Example sentences of "get what you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I 've never actually spoken out , other than last year when there were a few incidents with girls where I sort of said well you get what you deserve , you know , if you 're going to operate such a sort of sexist situation , then you 're going to get very difficult for girls because they 've no positive images whatsoever , and I was actually …
2 In life , and in football , you get what you deserve , by and large . ’
3 ‘ You get what you concentrate upon ’ says Seth .
4 And it 's just as I 've said in local government , er we only get what you 've put in .
5 Not only ca n't you always get what you want , half the time you get what you do n't need either .
6 O.K. get what you want .
7 When you get what you want you do n't want what you get …
8 Its effect is clear-you get what you want , what you think is right , rather than falling in with other people 's views .
9 ‘ Loaded ’ , in Weatherall 's hands , was transformed from a Suzuki rock anthem into a frightening bastard big brother to ‘ Sympathy For The Devil ’ / ‘ You Ca n't Always Get What You Want ’ -era Stones .
10 To hell with anyone 's feelings as long as you get what you want ? ’
11 Do n't worry about it , get what you want and I 'll fill this for you .
12 Now , coming back to the point you were making about them paying your suppliers and such like , erm , all the standard is looking for is that you use proof suppliers , that you get what you want , when you want it .
13 In my experience , I find that you get what you expect in life , and if you trusted people more , you would probably get more trustworthy staff . ’
14 Even when you get what you think is a good answer make sure it is substantiated .
15 The truism that you get what you pay for was ably demonstrated by the decision in 1981 to replace ageing first-generation DMU fleets on non-electrified outer suburban lines and remote branches with low-cost bus-type bodies on four-wheeled underframes .
16 At £175 including VAT this is not a cheap sander , but you get what you pay for and for the keen d-iyer or woodworker , or even a tradesman , this is an excellent tool that should last a lifetime .
17 You get what you pay for with locks .
18 ‘ Well , you get what you pay for , do n't you ? ’
19 You get what you pay for .
20 Beds vary enormously in style and price , but you get what you pay for and a cheap bed will wear out faster than a quality style .
21 Pure essential oils are not cheap , but you get what you pay for .
22 Not only the indignant schoolmarms but all of William 's sad cases have to learn that you ca n't be a tourist in God 's world , and that you get what you pay for .
23 The old adage ‘ you only get what you pay for ’ does n't always apply — never assume that the system costing £800 is going to be twice as effective at the one costing £400 .
24 I do not accept that the Institute produces reports to satisfy industry on the basis that ‘ you get what you pay for' ’ .
25 Of course , you get what you pay for , and no-one in his right mind would expect this garment to wear or wash as long , or as well as , a fleece jacket of double the price .
26 Buying a marine aquarium like any other purchase where quality counts usually comes down to ‘ you get what you pay for ’ and economising inevitably means cutting standards .
27 As will so many things , you get what you pay for .
28 Obviously , there is some truth in the old maxim that " you get what you pay for " , but as in many other areas of life , price and value are not always synonymous , and you should be very wary of accepting without questions that something is necessarily better because it costs more .
29 You get what you pay for .
30 ‘ There is a common belief that you get what you pay for .
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