Example sentences of "room which had been " in BNC.

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1 In October 1944 the Leaders faced the problem of redecorating the Primary School room which had been handed back to the church after having been in use during the War as a First Aid Post for a unit of the St John 's Ambulance Brigade led by Miss Mary Lutton .
2 This must have started life as a cottage — the front room which had been turned into the shop was only about ten feet by eight feet .
3 In returning here he came full circle , back to the room which had been his first glimpse of the Fifth Dominion .
4 The large dining room which had been airing for the past week had passed its final inspection although Mrs Lundy had insisted that the maids cleaned the windows and French doors one more time .
5 Lorton was in the room which had been Arabella 's studio .
6 Wycliffe went through to the little room which had been set aside for callers .
7 What else could she do , Merrill asked herself , but stand up , pleasantly acquiescent because of Richard 's presence , and let Luke take her arm and lead her into a room which had been cleared for dancing ?
8 Just after eleven , more people began to arrive as the pubs chucked out and so Dosh and I ( or maybe it was Freddie ) moved upstairs where we 'd found another front room which had been stripped of furniture and somebody had run a pair of extra speakers off the disco in the lounge .
9 She took a last look round the room which had been her world , then hurried quickly out of the house .
10 The old books were stored in a room which had been converted to an office for the new library .
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