Example sentences of "'s [adv] [vb pp] up " in BNC.

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1 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
2 ‘ It 's nicely got up , is n't it ? ’ she said , to help .
3 They would n't , because it 's only gone up a penny like , there 's nothing to stop them putting it i , up two penny !
4 Yes , erm very , very quickly , erm I notice that the swimming pool and river bathing visits had more than doubled , I just wondered what the cause of that was , and whether in fact it was mainly related to the swimming pools or to the river bathing bit erm places , and the second one is , regarding the noise , I notice that it has shot up , the number of visits to seven twenty one , but in fact , the prosecution 's only gone up to one , and I wondered if Mr Fenn could tell us whether in fact because of the higher profile that had been given to this erm activity , due to its possible cut , whether in fact more people are aware of it and there were more
5 It 's fucking got up there now sell off all my !
6 She 's just popped up to get a book for some homework .
7 ‘ Peter 's just split up with his partner .
8 She 's just moved up from Kent and has come with packing cases full of cups and medals : a winning record which was topped this week with the Champion of Champions trophy and an ambition to become the world 's number one .
9 Well he 's just locked up the car ooh
10 It 's just built up over the last coupla years really .
11 Act Three 's just gone up , so she 'll be a while , but Miss Baird 's not on yet .
12 But it 's just gone up to two pound twenty .
13 The water 's been flowing so fast it 's just dug up the tree by its roots and it pulled it along and it 's got wedged in the bridge look .
14 She 's just picked up this bloomin' nice bunch from her co-stars in a new London play .
15 She 's just picked up the children from a rendezvous with their father who had an afternoon 's access , and he 'd shouted at her and them in the street and threatened to take the children away .
16 They 'll probably be in all night and she 's just walked up from the bingo and toddle in there .
17 Well , I said to Mick , he 's just got up now .
18 So Felicity 's just got up .
19 The work 's just dried up )
20 And he 'd he 'd been on the dole er I think two years , and he 's just started up a a building site .
21 But , her husband 's just sta , or the boyfriend , the boyfriend 's just started up a new company
22 but I do n't see , I 'm trying to make it like a genetic connection or something I mean or some kind of like you know I mean to me it 's just set up
23 Belushi exudes all the erotic charisma of a frozen carp , Bracco looks and acts as if she 's just signed up with a Dial a Dime Hostess service and there are various large signposts pointing firmly at The Murderer .
24 Very dodgy position , but your the one that 's just taken up full time post
25 He looks like a night-shift worker who 's just woken up .
26 She 's just woken up .
27 sleeping in the car today , that 's what it is he 's just woken up .
28 Do you know he 's just woken up then ?
29 Well it 's just come up on my screen it says , He 's in the roller .
30 We like your cleverness Has he given it more thought , he 's just come up with a really clever idea I think there
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