Example sentences of "'s [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She leaves like four bucks on the kitchen counter — though it 's since gone down to three-fifty .
2 The woman on Anne 's left at the bench , Ruby , had worked in a factory making doll 's eyes , and the girl on Anne 's right had never worked before .
3 And er the fact that she 's obviously gone on without it was awful , when she was pregnant the second time round she did n't make a big thing of being pregnant but you could tell she was pregnant but I never quite liked to say to her just in case they had the amnio amnio whatever it is and decided not to go
4 Cos the key thing with Clare is , she 's don she 's obviously gone back doing a lot , but who 's gon na follow it up in three months time , to see
5 Erm she 's obviously got quite a lot of material for anybody to look at .
6 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
7 Oh Michael stop it , oh Michael that 's dirty come on , arms up , you 're soaking wet come on wash your hands put your hands in , that 's it , come here , no , leave the plug alone , what ?
8 It 's all gone on ‘ is account , so you do n't need to worry .
9 ‘ It 's all gone downhill .
10 Together for an instant and then smash it 's all gone still its worth it .
11 Water , water everywhere but not a drop to drink — because it 's all gone down the sink !
12 It 's all gone too fast , too soon for him .
13 ‘ It 's all gone very well , ’ he said .
14 ‘ I think the notoriety 's all gone now , ’ Lorne Michael says .
15 He said , ‘ Nowadays all the heavy voices are singing this role ; it 's all gone out of control .
16 She says it 's all happened just because she chose to marry an RAF serviceman .
17 I wish I could suggest a meeting before I go , but it 's all happened so suddenly I just ca n't see how I could fit it in .
18 ‘ It 's nicely got up , is n't it ? ’ she said , to help .
19 They would n't , because it 's only gone up a penny like , there 's nothing to stop them putting it i , up two penny !
20 Yes , erm very , very quickly , erm I notice that the swimming pool and river bathing visits had more than doubled , I just wondered what the cause of that was , and whether in fact it was mainly related to the swimming pools or to the river bathing bit erm places , and the second one is , regarding the noise , I notice that it has shot up , the number of visits to seven twenty one , but in fact , the prosecution 's only gone up to one , and I wondered if Mr Fenn could tell us whether in fact because of the higher profile that had been given to this erm activity , due to its possible cut , whether in fact more people are aware of it and there were more
21 He 's only gone back for
22 oh I see so what 's today Thursday , he 's only got today and tomorrow left has n't he for skiing
23 It 's only got about twelve thousand miles .
24 It 's only got , I mean , it 's only got about five frets on it , so you .
25 cos she 's only got about four weeks before , she goes back and erm
26 Yeah , but she 's only got as much to learn as the girl that girl
27 It 's only happened once .
28 that Robert 's already gone over , but I actually got the impression that erm I that you did n't feel relaxed in what you were doing , you knew what you were talking about but erm you did n't feel relaxed and if I 'd 've been your customer then I , I certainly would n't have felt relaxed either and and that 's the impression that I got which was the completely opposite of Robert .
29 If he 's already gone home tomorrow morning will do just as well . ’
30 ‘ As I heard it , my lord , he 's already gone back to Hereford . ’
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