Example sentences of "'s do [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Complicated when it has to be written down to or detailed where there 's a lot of information to be taken in and it 's a lot easier if it 's done that way because people can refer back to it all the time .
2 Well John was saying to me , that eh , Bill is such a perfectionist that although he 's done good works already , he will ensure that every single corner of that house will be immaculate and exactly the way he wants it , but it 'll take him three or four years to do it .
3 It 's a right picture , she 's done little flowers everywhere
4 Yeah he 's done some graph work .
5 He 's done these ones .
6 Some feedback now Jeff said okay he 's done this course before and he 's looking for feedback to see the level of his competence at this point , but everybody er I 'm sure you will agree by the end of tomorrow will have got feedback .
7 She 's done old telephone number .
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