Example sentences of "before we move [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So we have put a marker in the ground and said we are not going to move forward in the production investment phase until we are satisfied that we have a fixed price at that point so we are actually going to cap our liabilities for Eurofighter with a max price for the whole of the remainder of the programme and then we will fix the price and hopefully get some economies from fixing at that point in time before we move forward into the next phase .
2 There is always a great temptation erm to say ‘ well the City centre is such a complicated area , we should try and get absolutely everything right before we move forward ’ and that I think is a recipe for endless delay , because it 's so complicated , it 's really difficult to get everything right .
3 Let us take a last look at the towns before we move on .
4 The best way to understand what is happening is to make a manual slip pattern on the machine , before we move on to electronic patterning .
5 Before we move on , however , a few cautionary words are necessary regarding stress .
6 Before we move on , it is worth noticing that just as the debate about the Bible rested to a large extent on a rather dubious notion of what kind of authority was in question , so too the argument about miracles was one in which both sides generally shared an equally questionable concept .
7 But before we move on to institutional questions , we should recognize that whilst figure 2.1 illustrates a natural monopoly , it by no means exhausts the possibilities .
8 But before we move on , it may be instructive to look at the relationship between language viewed as a formal system and language as part of a wider social and psychological context , and to say something about the place of these two approaches in the development of ideas about language in general .
9 This section looks at the range of techniques you can choose from before we move on in the next chapter to examine different ways video can be related to the rest of the language programme .
10 There is no consensus within the Labour Party on any of these matters ( and the inhibiting commitment to parliamentary socialism and the established constitution continues to run deep amongst sections of the parliamentary Labour Party and the trade unions ) but let us deal , first , with the developing critique of the British constitution , and second , with the proposals for a new constitutional settlement , before we move on to offer our assessment of these proposals .
11 Lucy Lane interrupted , authority in her voice : ‘ Before we move on , others of you must have seen the safe open from time to time ; it would be useful if we could establish how long the books have been there . ’
12 Thanks very much Alan , before we move on to the agenda colleagues , er could I announce that the collection yesterday for the Burnstall strikers realized a magnificent sum of five hundred and forty-nine pounds .
13 Before we move on , let's just have a look at those numerical estimates , can we look at the coefficients on income , notice that in this model because we 've logged both dependent and the independent variables , right , the coefficients that we estimate are elasticities , right , so we can read those coefficients off directly as elasticities and that 's the case for any model in which all the variables are logged right , in er , if we did n't log the data , in order to calculate the elasticity we have to multiply a coefficient the computer gives us by a erm price quantity ratio , price less , less part of the income constant ratio to obtain the income elasticities .
14 Before we move on because we 're getting
15 Contributions on Item Two before we move on to Item One .
16 Erm one thing before we move on do you think there is a distinction or a difference between the outline agrarian land reform which is essentially 's creation , and the speech that he gives at the end of the conference ?
17 Do you want to answer your own question before we move on
18 Can we just be clear in our minds before we move on , how it affects .
19 Any questions on allocations before we move on ?
20 Before we move on to the next agenda , could we find some more seats for the people , six more chairs , get them together , say if you want to stand .
21 Before we move on to next season , a word about the people that you 've lost , people like erm Simon Wigg , a local lad , a great favourite among the crowds .
22 Now before we move further I 'd like to take this opportunity of expressing on your behalf our thanks to Hugh here for the service that he 's rendered our church to this point in time but particularly as the convenor of the Board of World Mission and Unity .
23 I remember one particular night , just before we moved away .
24 And er but my husband was down here er a good year before we moved down here because there was n't accommodation available for us to move with i him you see ?
25 ‘ Luckily we were on to their plan and switched off the power before we moved in . ’
26 ‘ We had builders here for six months before we moved in , and then lived with them for another year , ’ says Sally , who was not only busy with their two young daughters , but was also running a full-time interior decoration business in Cirencester .
27 I do n't know ho certainly I know there had been at least two peo different lots of people living in ours before we moved in , and I would think there were probably more than that .
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