Example sentences of "before we [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 It 's making a game of it before we go down that matters .
2 Before we go down to breakfast we make sure we lock the door .
3 ‘ I thought we 'd better just have a quiet word together before we go down and see the kids on the beach , ’ Ben was saying as Carole bustled back into the room , carrying a tray laden with plates of cakes and biscuits .
4 Before we get down to examining this unusual and highly specialised guitar , it 's worth mentioning once again that there are two Manson brothers , behind two quite separate operations : Hugh is in the solid electric guitar business , while Andy makes acoustics , electro-acoustics and carved arch-top jazz guitars .
5 But before we get down to the equations I must say a few words in defence of the approach I choose .
6 ‘ I 'm sorry to keep you waiting , ’ he went on , ‘ but those of you who have been here before will know that I like to say a few words to break the ice before we get down to the real business of the weekend .
7 Can I say that we are now organising quite tightly the business of street collections , and I think if committee are minded to reduce the number of collections that we allow , we should decide that before we come to this meeting , because I think it 's very difficult in practical terms to do it at this stage , and therefore I would suggest that we do agree twenty-one , not withstanding what Graham said , we can take on board some of what he said , and maybe the month before we are asked to take this decision , we have an item on the agenda where we discuss the principle before we get down to the practicalities .
8 We just had time to eat a beautiful breakfast and read the complimentary morning papers before we touched down at London .
9 Before we came down here to clean the caravan .
10 Before we went down to the kitchen Elinor patted all the Napoleana into place , violets and Redouté roses ; a picture of him riding his horse , Marengo , and that one of him feeling for his wallet ; matchstick models made by French prisoners of war and a tricolour flying at half-mast .
11 But before we went down into the
12 One woman whose mother was coming to live with her and her husband solved her problem by saying quite firmly beforehand , ‘ Now Tom and I like to eat supper alone and have a couple of hours ’ quiet talk together in the evening before we settle down to watch television , Mother .
13 One evening , as they worked happily together , feeding and attending to the livestock , George said , ‘ I 'll just take a walk along the beck before we settle down , and check those sheep I 've brought down for lambing . ’
14 ‘ We 've got a lot of living to do before we settle down , ’ she said .
15 ‘ There is a long way to go before we break down the ‘ them up at Salisbury ’ attitude . ’
16 ‘ There 's a long way to go before we break down the ‘ them up at Salisbury attitude ’
17 We 'd all been listening to things like reggae and Spanish music , and when we got together to rehearse , we 'd be playing all kinds of crazy stuff before we settled down to get serious . ’
18 Before we sat down in the restaurant Jamila took me aside and kissed me on the mouth .
19 And er but my husband was down here er a good year before we moved down here because there was n't accommodation available for us to move with i him you see ?
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