Example sentences of "least [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Bill Cash is a lawyer who for many years has specialised in constitutional issues , not least that of the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution .
2 The purpose of the motion is to enable the House , with the Chair 's permission , to range as widely as possible over the subject of employment and unemployment , over the Government 's policies and record , over Labour 's record — not least that of the shadow Chancellor — and over the alternative policies that may be offered if the format of the Government changes .
3 As most commercial moisturisers contain these substances , at least half of the female population in western society ( and some of its progressive men ) must be moisturiser ‘ junkies ’ !
4 A complete skull is therefore defined here as one preserving intact the maxilla and frontal bones and at least half of the cranial vault ( Fig. 3.11 ) .
5 In the first plant , Melman said , machines are down for at least half of the time .
6 And in terms of its practical record he says , ‘ Whatever our misgivings , it is difficult not to feel a sense of admiration and gratitude for a movement that , in less than a century , through its direct action in some areas and through indirect influence in labour movements and other social forces in others , has raised to a human condition the life of at least half of the human race . ’
7 Kanwal Rekhi , executive vice-president of Novell 's interoperability systems group , thinks his company has the resources to challenge Microsoft in the corporate , client-server marketplace , and even claims that Novell will take at least half of the market from the clutches of Microsoft 's NT .
8 The fact that at least half of the children who waited in long-term care were in children 's homes became the more powerful message .
9 PRC officials believe they can move at least half of the potential totals .
10 Kanwal Rekhi , executive vice president of Novell 's interoperability systems group , thinks his company has the resources to challange Microsoft in the corporate , client-server marketplace , and even claims that Novell will take at least half of the market from the clutches of Microsoft 's NT .
11 The fact that at least half of the world 's children would not actually go through this process beyond the first two stages is conveniently forgotten or ignored and , no doubt , the reasons for this were largely social .
12 Clearly , this has played a role , but The Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Overseas Trade ( HMSO , 1985 , pp. 238–41 ) concluded that the responsibility for at least half of the increase in unemployment since 1979 is laid directly at the Government 's door .
13 Since Britannia ‘ ruled the waves ’ for at least half of the 19th century and for the early part of the 20th century , and since profitable shipping was of paramount British national interest , British legislators and judges were sympathetic to the British carriers ' use of extremely broad disclaimers .
14 Unfortunately , relapse occurred in at least half of the responders after treatment was discontinued .
15 At least half of the shares in BT3 will be offered to the public as part of the Government 's continuing campaign to develop the share-owning habit .
16 At least half of the tumour was examined histologically .
17 However , while at least half of the players are women , the majority of the top players have always been men .
18 Collectivist principles were still seen ( by at least some on the left ) to provide a coherent and viable strategy that would both sustain economic growth and support the Welfare State .
19 At least some of the extra cost of stockholding is likely to be passed on to the caterer .
20 So , I pull handfuls of weed and leave it near the water 's edge , giving at least some of the creatures the chance to nip back into the water again .
21 But witnesses later said they saw employees beating at least some of the birds to death , while the report found that the shed , which could properly hold only three birds , had been packed with 72 .
22 Friends of Knighton believe he is close to putting together a deal which would see at least some of the shares resold within four months of a take-over .
23 Charity takes the form of talented young illustrator David Hughes who will be touring at least some of the 17 showrooms on Saturday ( 9.30-10am Baumann Kendix ; 10.30-11.30am , Herman Miller ; 12-1pm OMK Design , 2.30-3.30pm Vitra , 4-5pm Erco Lighting ) and offering to draw gently satirical on-the-spot portraits at £25 a throw .
24 In one sense they are the British equivalent of political advertising on American television ‘ but they differ from such advertising in three very important ways : first , PFB broadcasting is free ( although the parties have to bear at least some of the production costs — indeed , all of the production costs if they wish to use private production facilities ) ; second , the number of PEB broadcasts is fixed by agreement between broadcasters and the parties to reflect ( roughly ) the current popular standing of the parties ( in 1987 Labour , the Liberal-SDP Alliance , and the Conservatives got exactly equal time for PEBs while other parties received very much less ) ; third , the broadcasters have insisted , against the politicians ’ wishes , that PEBs be short programmes typically ten minutes long , rather than high-impact adverts of perhaps twenty or thirty seconds ' duration .
25 Menus are totally incomprehensible unless you understand at least some of the language .
26 Like much of the Marcos story , at least some of the paintings are thought to be fakes .
27 This book does not have a polemical purpose , but the author has not been able to escape the conclusion that at least some of the customs and habits of mind of the earlier period tended to induce healthier attitudes , both among those on their death-beds and those left behind to mourn .
28 Why should n't the dirty and degenerate suffer at least some of the consequences of their thoughtless self-indulgence and needless promiscuity ?
29 It has been called the ‘ British Problem ’ , brought into being by a combination of renewed English ambition and , for the first time , a new attitude among at least some of the Scots to their southern neighbour .
30 What is more , at least some of the extras that typically appear at funerals may not be fully covered in the plans available .
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