Example sentences of "to get [adv] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We go off , we leave the collection and everything , miss all those divine first nights , just simply to have a holiday , to get away from everything … ’
2 She could n't wait to get away from everything that was Fernando 's .
3 The overwhelming desire of the Chris Pattens and Sarah Hoggs and Michael Heseltines was to get away from what they saw as the incubus of Mrs Thatcher .
4 But then again , rock'n'roll is basically rhythm and you 're never going to get away from what that 's about … ’
5 He wanted very much to walk out onto a pier — those constructions built so that people who have come to the sea to get away from their place of work can , for a moment , almost leave their working life behind , can go to the very edge of their week 's holiday and then dream of going further .
6 Whether or not the NATO powers are able to subscribe to a formal doctrine of ‘ no first use ’ , there is little doubt that they urgently need to get away from their present highly questionable doctrine of heavy reliance on first use .
7 She 's OK ’ with Mrs Lennox and it 's good for her to get away from me for a bit just now and again .
8 ‘ Do you use this as a means to get away from me ? ’ she asked finally .
9 But , just to make sure you do n't jump to any more ludicrous conclusions , I 'd better make it clear that I do n't ever intend you to get away from me .
10 She had been living here at the château , helping with the children , but she moved down to Les Hiboux to get away from me .
11 " You 'll find it hard to get away from me here in this house , " he murmured .
12 Were you really so desperate to get away from me that you 'd risk that ? ’
13 ‘ I thought you were trying to get away from me . ’
14 ‘ You mean you want to get away from me ! ’ she burst out , shaking suddenly , her eyes blazing .
15 Now it offered her the chance to get away from him for ever …
16 Jake seemed in the grip of a madness deeper than any Ruth remembered ; all she wanted now , overwhelmingly , was to get away from him .
17 Up to the day before I had hoped he would come with me at least as far as Perpignan , to see me on my way ; now there was no question of that , and indeed I could hardly wait to get away from him .
18 ‘ I do n't know how ! ’ she shouted and rose to her feet to get away from him but he twisted there before her , his hands on her shoulders and his brown-black eyes blazing down into hers .
19 When he gets you he beats you up for leaving him ; you go back and start working for him again ; then you try to get away from him ; he finds you again and you just go on like this all the time .
20 Bathsheba wanted only to get away from him and his words .
21 To get away from him , probably .
22 All she knew was that she had to get away from him before she betrayed herself .
23 It was impossible to get away from him , though , so in desperation she resorted to other tactics .
24 Here she was , all alone in the wildly romantic snow-covered Scottish mountains with a man most women would give their eye-teeth simply to be in the same room with , and her only wish was to get away from him .
25 He came into the kitchen after a few moments and she turned away , wandering to the far side to get away from him , battling with the sudden incredible desire to break down and sob like a little girl who had done the wrong thing yet again .
26 ‘ I would n't dream of telling you anything ! ’ she flared , and as anxiety , love and all manner of emotions flooded her she only knew she had to get away from him .
27 ‘ No ! ’ she choked out , struggling to get away from him .
28 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she spat , humiliated beyond endurance , and struggled to get away from him .
29 sometimes a great effort to get away from him !
30 ‘ I work with women all day and I go to the pub to get away from them ’ …
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