Example sentences of "thing [be] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The interesting thing is that Lord Leverhulme , who was so far ahead of his contemporaries in so many ways , missed two essential elements in the situation .
2 ‘ The only really important thing is that Anna 's going to be fine . ’
3 But th the thing is that Ashfield and Mansfield are still stra sending him plans
4 The remarkable thing is that Peter accepted the rebuke and was teachable .
5 The one certain thing is that workfare has no place in the economic policy of a civilized country .
6 Absolutely , you see the sad thing is that Simon has a seven point five five average erm we sort of balance that out , you know , erm Simon to go and bring in a six point National League boy — it 's not a clever situation at all in my book , but then the rules are the rules and we have to go along with it .
7 The sad thing is that William 's anaemia could have been mended now .
8 The dangerous thing is that cliffs fall away to the north without warning , and someone getting lost in thick mist could easily come a cropper .
9 The curious thing is that Lewis , though so very widely read in other areas , had read almost no works of biblical scholarship .
10 ‘ The peculiar thing is that Blackbeard seemed ready to murder us for a wallet with a few fivers in it , all of which he was going to give to his bruiser , anyway .
11 The first thing is that Airtours ' interims , announced at the end of June , were better than expected .
12 The unfortunate thing is that problem solvers tend to polarise into two groups : the information gatherers who are not very comfortable with ideas , and the idea people who think they do not need information .
13 The really stupid thing is that Pardy got everything so wrong .
14 The important thing is that circles near heavy objects are different from normal .
15 So the important thing is that HIV is only transmitted when blood or cum goes from one body into another .
16 The worrying thing is that raids by customs and the Obscene Publications Squad are on the up .
17 As an astute contemporary observed , " the strange thing is that de Gaulle did not , at any time , suggest that he could save [ the French people ] from [ war ] ; the suggestion was rather that if war was to come … it would be better for France if he were in charge " .
18 The really worrying thing is that Marie is said to have obtained improved terms from suppliers ( understandable , given that she is ordering larger quantities ) .
19 The funny thing is that people just have n't noticed yet .
20 The second second thing is that people , everybody should have three extra pieces of paper , erm , relating to agenda Item Seven .
21 you do n't think the other thing is that people who erm you know there there is everybody 's got wedding fairs in their own area , first of all , they 're going to go to those anyway and buy from their own local person .
22 at some of these things , preferably at Felixstowe an example a local newspaper was used to advertise the actual hearing , I think the , I said the important thing is that people do appear , do turn up , do voice their opinion , do make sure who their County Councillor is , a local member and other County Councillors in all their process actually know what local people feel excess through their local positions , any other comments ?
23 ( The funny thing is that Jack 's father never knew when his birthday was either .
24 The worrying thing is that botch-up or not they have succeeded in getting a car and two operatives into England . ’
25 he used an illustration of the pig , you know you can polish the pig up , you can clean it , you can scrub it , you can oh de cologne it , you can do all sorts of things with it , you can tie a nice pink ribbon around it and you can put it in a palace , but it 's still a pig and it lives like a pig and you can cl and no matter how clean you 've made it , it 'll soon find some dirt to wallow in and the ribbon might make it look nice in the show ground but it does n't make any difference to its nature and so it is with us and so Jesus did n't start on the outside , but he starts at the inside he deals with the route of the problem , in One Corinthians chapter fifteen and in verse three it says for I deliver to you as a first importance , this is the basic thing , he says to them this was the first thing that I said to you because it was the most important that Christ died for our sins , according to the scripture , what ever else Christ gives to us , what ever else he does for us , what ever else the gospel produces , the basic , the most important , the fundamental thing is that Christ died for our sins .
26 ‘ The thing is that killing got to be a habit with Mario ’ , adds his friend Juan .
27 The worst thing is that officials and coaches are not willing to listen to other opinions .
28 The important thing is that children learn to read with confidence , understanding and pleasure .
29 The stupid thing is that U2 are not just a good new rock-pop group , ‘ boy is n't it great that they can emerge out of the unhelpful Irish environment ’ .
30 The extraordinary thing is that reviewing is n't done more often as a systematic deliberate process .
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