Example sentences of "nothing like [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Facing page : there 's nothing like a brew to soothe aching limbs but where 's the Kendal Mint cake ?
2 THERE is nothing like a holiday to rekindle the flames of passion .
3 There 's nothing like a steam railway to evoke the atmosphere needed for a truly British Romantic film set in days gone by .
4 ‘ My wife says there 's nothing like a romance .
5 Nothing like a bit of a weep to make a girl feel better . ’
6 Nothing like a bit of sea air to get the brain cells jumping .
7 There was nothing like a flower to cheer you up on a dark day .
8 I sat a moment cursing the junkie builders , then suddenly the thought came : Hang on , Jimbo , this could be good news ( there 's nothing like a crack on the nut with a lead pipe to wake a body up ) , this could mean we 've got fresh water piped to the back door whenever it rains , and sucks to the waterboard .
9 No , not a cathedral , nothing like a cathedral .
10 ‘ The first time your children tell you they 've heard the story , remember , I warned you , ’ He drained his mug , dropping it over his shoulder into the water slushing around in the galley : ‘ Nothing like a hurricane for washing dishes . ’
11 And there 's nothing like a conversation when you smoke .
12 The thing is , there is nothing like a bike for sheer visceral excitement .
13 Basically , there 's nothing like a combo for doing that . ’
14 ‘ There 's nothing like a cup of tea , dear , ’ she said comfortingly , as she filled it .
15 Nothing like a cup of tea to wake you up . ’
16 There is nothing like a band of men in their working environment to make a single female feel like a page three Martian .
17 I ai n't nothing like a dame
18 ‘ Keeps the bastards on the alert , ’ remarked the Trog , ‘ Nothing like a load of exploding mortar shit to keep their fucking heads down ! ’
19 There was nothing like a chocolate gateau with cream ; Elysium was to be found in a glutinous , fat dumpling ; and a good pastry was a walk in Arcadia .
20 She had decided to have a look at the human face of the bogey , and there is nothing like a dog ( the only animal which trusts humans ! ) for starting a conversation .
21 Predictably Michael Palin 's Pole to Pole was the runaway Christmas hit , proving once again that there is nothing like a television series to help sales of a book — Heffers sold between 1,300 and 1,400 copies .
22 Well what do you mean nothing like a party then ?
23 Marie Claire was nothing like a nun and made a noise as she walked in her high-heeled shoes .
24 There is nothing like the sight of death and blood to make old Shallot want a cup of sack or a goblet of wine !
25 ‘ There 's desert to cross , but it 's nothing like the G'bai . ’
26 There was an increase in the urban programme but on nothing like the scale he wanted .
27 Where great houses , from the middle ages into the seventeenth century , had been built to contain a single household in an ordered hierarchy beneath one roof , their classical counterparts in the eighteenth century and Regency became increasingly an expression of stratification into two quite distinct classes , though as yet on nothing like the scale of the grand Victorian house .
28 Well , all right , technically he was concealing information about a deserter — although nothing like the scale on which Maj or Maxim was doing it — but civilians do n't take desertion seriously .
29 In Germany , for example , there 's nothing like the division between Parliament and Government that I was speaking of erm as far as France was concerned , erm nor is there to quite the same extent erm the sort of links between administrative politicians and political administrators , but one of the things they share in common is a tendency to have a legal background and a legal approach to administration , and almost all senior civil servants in Germany , for example , have gone through a legal training .
30 There 's nothing like an Epsom , there 's nothing like the variety that our jockeys have to cope with
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