Example sentences of "nothing was to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Not least in the sexual , for both projected a red-blooded response to their manhood which goes beyond the merely sexual or corporeal , claiming — demanding ! — the full world of nature and manhood as their proper spheres : nothing was to be too sacred , for all is sacred — a Blakeian conception which predates Blake in its patent Jewishness by millennia , not centuries .
2 In the eighteenth century the French naturalist Buffon remarked : ‘ Young cats are gay , vivacious , frolicksome , and , if nothing was to be apprehended from their claws , would afford excellent amusement to children .
3 Nothing was to be sacrosanct or sacred , excepting reason itself .
4 Then the roof of the grotto glowed two times lighting the water and the company a little , nothing was to be seen of the keeper or his coffin , as though it did not happen .
5 The constable stayed with John Daubney for the rest of his shift and the signalman appreciated his company , but with no sign of the errant beasts and although both men peered regularly into the darkness and even went down to the lineside and checked , nothing was to be seen .
6 He went round the corner of the building shining his lamp but nothing was to be seen .
7 Nothing was to be removed , and I was to go home and keep my head down .
8 Hence , Ealhfrith began to favour Roman tradition while his father , Bede says , considered that nothing was to be preferred to the teachings of the Scottish clergy ( HE III , 25 ) .
9 I saw only that , in this magical new view of the world to which I had been introduced , scepticism and gullibility must be harnessed in tandem if nothing was to be missed .
10 Nothing was to be seen .
11 The gentleman took due note of it in a single glance , decided that nothing was to be gained by ill temper , and , reassembling his smile , he turned it upon her full-force .
12 For it was she who told herself that nothing was to be gained at this moment by recrimination , that Sir George 's land and influence at Stockton were still big assets ( though nowhere near worth the price at which they had been bought ) , and that a moping Sir George — a sackcloth-ashes flagellant — could be all it needed to bring the whole structure of confidence tumbling down .
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