Example sentences of "order that [pron] may " in BNC.

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1 Gothic carvers also ground normal gouges to skew shapes in order that they may execute mitres where two deeply curved sections meet .
2 Amid all the excitement and turbulence of the days after an election , newly appointed cabinet ministers must find a moment to learn how to kneel and kiss the hand of the Queen , in order that they may become members of the Queen 's Privy Council , together with opposition leaders , selected Commonwealth statesmen , churchmen like the Archbishop of Canterbury and senior civil servants .
3 The interviewer is concerned not with taking over and controlling the clients ' lives , but with helping them handle problems in order that they may fashion their own lives according to their own values .
4 Partners have to reach a common understanding of good learning environments and of the conditions which produce them in order that they may jointly promote them .
5 Wise parents give their children increasing freedom to do so , in order that they may gain experience before the time comes for them to be fully responsible for the choices they make .
6 We must adjust our wants , and undergo voluntary privation in order that they may he cared for .
7 Any information available soon after a crash is avariciously pounced upon by both journalists and lawyers , and exploited to the full in order that they may derive the maximum benefit for their own particular ends .
8 as being a person referred to in that notice , to refer the matter to which the notice relates to the Financial Services Tribunal in order that they may report thereon to the S.I.B .
9 Those lost souls are so impoverished that they shave their heads in order that they may rub alcohol into them .
10 So long as the documents have been sent to all those entitled to attend a general meeting in accordance with section 238 , it is a pointless farce to require a formal general meeting to be held in order that they may be ‘ laid ’ unless a member wants to raise questions about them at a meeting , or the auditors want to have an opportunity of talking to the members about them .
11 In order that they may collect evidence , the Act empowers them to make test purchases , to enter premises and to inspect and seize goods .
12 Informing the auditors : It is a requirement of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales , under whose regulations and guidance we act , that we should notify a client 's incumbent auditors or accountants of the scope of our appointment in order that they may assess whether the appointment has a bearing on their own continuing responsibilities .
13 Or if an adult hospital patient with young children is known to be terminally ill , it should be possible to provide some kind of support for the spouse and the children in preparation for their loss , in order that they may work through their grief and come to terms with their new situation .
14 The Bank providing the loan may require an undertaking from us to remit your damages straight to them , when the case is completed , in order that they may recoup their loan .
15 Scientists have been penetrating areas beyond human senses , and they have developed more and more devices to augment our senses in order that we may see into the heart of matter or reach the ends of the universe .
16 ‘ Sidacai has not been condemned in order that we may be served , but to satisfy the Yasa , ’ Artai responded , bridling .
17 That is why we have been given free will , in order that we may choose the correct one .
18 Father ’ , it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our Spirit that we are children of God , and if children then heirs , heirs of God and fellow-heirs with Christ , provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him' ( Rom. 8:15ff ) .
19 I am fascinated to notice that your profession has at last started not merely to say that , but to criticise those who refuse to allow so manifest a fact to be stated in order that it may be examined .
20 As the subject has to be studied by all pupils , it tends to become a forum for half-baked discussion of moral or social issues , in order that it may not seem irrelevant to the non-religious , or offensive to the keenly sectarian .
21 A discipline devoted to finding out the causes of crime in order that it may be stopped was , they pointed out , uncritically taking up an ideologically committed , conservative stance .
22 Member States may assume the validity of such extended powers through the implied powers doctrine , which allows competency to be implied from the express purposes of an organisation in order that it may function effectively .
23 When it becomes necessary for a bank to liquidate some of its liquid assets in order that it may then have a desired liquidity position , it will , as has been explained , sell to other banks or discount houses .
24 Those here written have been recorded in order that you may hold the faith [ or , that you may come to believe ] that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of God . ’
25 They will also be able to supply you with a list of suitable short-term homes for the elderly in your area , to which your parent might consider going for a few weeks each year in order that you may have a holiday , if there is no other member of the family who could take over your responsibilities in your absence .
26 And I tell you now in order that you may reckon well what chance is left of keeping any hope of peace alive , after this skirmish .
27 However , they have asked that I provide you with the draft ( unaudited ) results for the year to 31st October , 19XX in order that you may , if you so wish , reconsider your offer .
28 Most important of all , try to get as much information as you can about each of the universities you are considering , in order that you may make the most sensible choice to suit your own needs .
29 In order that you may continue with other work ( not necessarily involving LIFESPAN ) , mail messages are accumulated within LIFESPAN until it is convenient for them to be inspected or printed .
30 In 1346 Archbishop Stratford was ordered to read to the clergy and laity assembled in St Paul 's churchyard a recently discovered Franco-Norman agreement ( actually concluded in 1339 ! ) to invade England ; publication was to be accompanied by a sermon and a solemn procession , ‘ so that by this means the people of the kingdom might be roused to esteem the king more fervently and pray more devoutly for his expedition in order that he may keep the people safe from Gallic machinations ’ .
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